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Spring hasn’t spoiling us so far! Is it the same in your part of the world? The best thing you can do for the mixed weather is a carefully selected mix of the best new products from the last two weeks, which will surely be a warmer and charmer.
Greeting our new partner, Rak Wireless & WisBlock –
new look at IoT
Internet of Things never ceases to amaze. The concept of IoT and its solutions are getting significantly closer to the individual user. Turns out that IoT is an upcoming opportunity to optimize the performance of immediate environment for everyone, not just for mass applications, industry or engineering prototypes. One of the those affordable systems are WisBlock modules that have recently arrived and are starting to arouse initial interest. They are included in the larger category of minicomputers.
What exactly are they?
WisBlock is a truly modular system that facilitates implementation of LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) in our chosen IoT solution. It can accompany us virtually all the way from rapid prototyping to mass production (if we decide to do so). As in the case of the course the base was NUCLEO, so among WisBlock everything opens with WisBlock Base Board – the base block for RAK WisBlock. It is the carrier for the WisBlock Core MCU and the WisBlock Sensor and WisBlock IO modules. All WisBlock components and modules are industrial, so this transition from development to mass production is no problem. All this without the need to create new hardware modules and complicated connections for each stage.
Voltcraft measuring instruments
The second of our new freshly estabilished partners with whom we are beginning another fruitful collaboration. It is hard to get rid of the suspicion that all measuring instruments and devices are subject to various degrees of error and measurement uncertainty – from rulers and stopwatches to electron microscopes for scientists. The point is that the ones we choose should be as accurate as possible.
Voltcraft is here to provide you with assistance of reliability. In addition, it has been a long time since there was such a wide selection for every home and workshop instruments under one brand. Voltcraft stuff includes:
- universal meters,
- clamps,
- power consumption meters,
- measuring adapters,
- transistor testers,
- socket testers,
- non-contact voltage testers,
- industrial thermometers,
- terminal block and terminal block sets.
Right next to innovative technical standard and strict quality standards in production, the possibility of calibration definitely expands the range of applications of measuring instruments. Swiss precision is worth trusting, not only in watchmaking.
DFRobot wireless charging modules
DFRobot jest dobrze znany wszystkim, którzy śledzą nowinki ze świata robotyki. Wiodący producent ramion robotów jest równie blisko spokrewniony z bardziej i mniej wyspecjalizowaną elektroniką użytkową. Moduły zasilające DFRobot wykorzystują technologię bezprzewodowego ładowania, która opiera się na rezonansie sprzężonym magnetycznie.
- 5V/5A wireless charging module – the input voltage that needs to be connected to this transmitting element is 24 V, and the receiver generates an output voltage of 5 V /5 A. It will prove useful in powering mobile devices such as phones with inductive charging technology, game consoles or shavers.
- Relay module of Gravity system with DC-USB adapters 3,3V / 5,5 V – a part of the Gravity embedded system, which can be used in building automation, robots, industrial applications and broadly understood monitoring of environmental conditions (ecology, meteorology, agriculture etc.). The built-in Gravity connector means less wiring and convenience of use especially for beginners. Included adapters makes it usable with most power sources, battery boxes or DC adapters and powerbanks. Module is compatible with Arduino control boards, too!
- 5V/2A wireless charging module – magnetically coupled resonance – inductive charging module featuring a simple circuit and having applications in small electronic components with inductive charging module traces opening the list.
New Longwei laboratory power supplies
This is not the first time we have hosted this equipment. Almost a quarter of a century of Longwei’s experience with electronics must bear fruit. They are not only DC power supplies, but also professional oscilloscopes, power converters, digital bridges and audio waveform generators. The laboratory power supplies we are interested in today are invaluable tools both at the stage of prototyping and calibration during the assembly of electronic devices, but also during testing and various repairs. Their construction allows to adjust power supply parameters in real time.
This is not the first time we have hosted this equipment. Almost a quarter of a century of Longwei’s experience with electronics must bear fruit. They are not only DC power supplies, but also professional oscilloscopes, power converters, digital bridges and audio waveform generators. The laboratory power supplies we are interested in today are invaluable tools both at the stage of prototyping and calibration during the assembly of electronic devices, but also during testing and various repairs. Their construction allows to adjust power supply parameters in real time.
See you in two weeks at the next episode!
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