Category: Electronics

Z-Wave – What is it?

A home automation system is worth building gradually, learning from mistakes and benefiting from the experience of other users. Communication protocols such as Z-Wave come to the rescue.

Proximity sensor – What is it and what is it used for?

So much has already been written about them, and they remain a fascinating and extremely important element in the field of technology. Their role in everyday life is invaluable, although we often do not even realize their existence.

ATTiny85 – what is it and what is it used for?

Atmel has revolutionized today’s electronics. In fact, he has been doing it since 1984. We introduce you to one of its tiny wonders – the ATTiny85 microcontroller.

Shrink tubing – what is it and what is it used for?

Shrink tubing is such an invention, the description of which is on the tip of our tongue. Well, they shrink under the influence of temperature … well, that’s right, and then what? So much, after all, can be inferred from the name. Let’s get to know them up close.

News in Botland #65

Spring is getting closer – time for new passions and starting innovative projects! We invite you to discover our latest offerings and develop your passions together with Botland!