Premiere! The great return of Raspberry Pi Zero in W 2 version

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The beloved Raspberry Pi Zero is back! By the way many thinks of it as of their favorite Pi. Here comes the new version of the world’s most popular minicomputer: meet RPi Zero W 2 straight from the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

New Raspberry Pi Zero 2


Let’s take a look at our today’s hero first. The new release is obviously still a miniaturized version, but only judging by the size. It is equipped with Broadcom BCM2710A1 processor known from Raspberry Pi 3Bi 512 MB RAM. There is a WiFi and Bluetooth 4.2 wireless communication chip (the Raspberry Pi Zero W 1 version had BLE 4.1), a miniHDMI port, a microUSB OTG slot, a 40-pin GPIO, a microSD card slot and four mounting holes.

Everything is at hand – the WiFi module will allow us to connect to the network wirelessly, the image and sound can be sent through the miniHDMI port, as well as USB OTG compatible devices through a dedicated connector. A 40-pin GPIO connector will allow for the operation of additional components such as LEDs, buttons or motor controllers. A CSI camera connector and matching adapter gives you the chance to use a compatible camera. The new version is powered by microUSB socket and you can always choose something from official Raspberry Pi power supplies.

Raspberry Pi Zero W 2


Reasons why RPi Zero wins (and for quite some time)

The staggering popularity doesn’t come from nothing. The Raspberry Pi alone has a dominant share of the hobbyist (and non-hobbyist) single-board computer market with millions of units sold – no secret. Many of the resources of forums, newsgroups and the wider community have proven still applicable to the first version of the Pi Zero released in February 2017. Not all, but numerous projects have been seamlessly ported in a more or less similar form to the original concept.

Among the perks, one must also mention the cost even with the accessories that may be needed such as HDMI adapter, micro SD card and header pins – this price is still lower than, for example, the price of the original Arduino UNO. In addition to the low price, the Raspberry Pi Zero W 1 has HDMI output, a 1GHz processor and 512Mb of RAM, making it a pretty functional computer whose capabilities can be compared to mid-2000s desktop computers at just a fraction of the cost.

New Zero comes with new RPi official power supply


The Raspberry Pi Foundation has already announced the first accessory in mind for the new Raspberry Pi Zero W 2. It will be a 100-240V AC, 5.1 V, 2.5 A micro-USB power supply. Compatibility of the power supply includes Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, Raspberry Pi 1/1+/2/3 models and the first Raspberry Pi Zero from 2017.

More details coming soon.

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Picture of Oskar Pacelt

Oskar Pacelt

Fan dobrej literatury i muzyki. Wierzy, że udany tekst jest jak list wysłany w przyszłość. W życiu najbardziej interesuje go prawda, pozostałych zainteresowań zliczyć nie sposób. Kocha pływać.

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