The Fantastic Four – meet Robobloq educational robots

Reading time: 3 min.

Robobloq robots rely on a strong foundation in STEM education. Leading trend and wide compatibility of solutions support educators and the development of children around the world. And all of this means a great fun, too!

Team Robobloq – Qobo, Qoopers, Q-Scout & Q-Dino

Robo snail – Qobo educational robot

Friendly Qobo is the first proposal from Robobloq. The youngest children will love it – it was created for children in grades 1-2 and preschoolers aged 3 and above.

We do not need a computer or even any screen to operate and program it, although programming with devices equipped with a display is also possible. For many parents, this is an important consideration. An alternative is the arrow system that comes with the kit. We have up to 30 puzzle-cards and an accompanying map of popular places in different countries. We can also download thematic additional maps for the Qobo educational robot – Sea World, Dinosaur Park and Planet Journey.

Qobo as the qualities of a traditional puzzle toy.

There are 3 ways of controlling and programming: arrow-based, using Scratch-like graphical programming, and with the free run mode – this is basically programming at will.  Qobo educational robot can skip the arrow track, too – we determine how it will move, and it can teach letters, addition and subtraction, or everyday activities such as knowing your routine – first you have to get up and then brush your teeth. Qobo finds the center of the puzzle on his own and even if the turn doesn’t quite work out, for example because of an uneven floor under the puzzle, he will get back on track.

Travel map, equipment from the kit and we’re ready to go.
Little Qobo snail travels a predefined route.

IPossibilities are expanded with the Robobloq app. We can plan the route more precisely or use additional downloaded sounds for Qobo. All these functions allow children to make quite advanced coding of all those colorful modules. The joy when the snail willingly performs the commands entered by us: truly priceless.

Qobo educational robot is powered by a built-in rechargeable battery. Kit includes a power cord and instruction booklet. Cards can get extended with this math kit.

Qobo edurobot

  • Power supply: built-in battery
  • Age: 3+
  • Programming: cards / puzzles
  • Colour: white and orange
  • Dimensions: 269 x 198 x 114 mm

Qoopers – STEM Arduino Educational Robot

Qoopers is a 6-in-1 robotic kit for children ages 6 and up, and allows to build 6 different versions of robots. It can avoid obstacles, makes sounds and has a “turret” with LED display. It can be programmed with a phone, tablet or computer.

The most interesting feature is the main chip that Qoopers is based on. It’s the Q Mind Plus, an Arduino-based microcontroller. It is responsible for integrated lights, buzzer and ports for sensors, motors, power and communication. All you need to do is download the Robobloq App. The app allows you to remotely control Qoopers like RC vehicles by remote control. With it, kids get the opportunity to remake the robot into one of six versions.

Qoopers as The Voyager.
  • Captain – visible in the basic version of the car with a face on the LED display,
  • Guardian – a defender-tank with a front-mounted display,
  • The Voyager – a crawler-like cruiser moving on tracks,
  • Dozer – bulldozer or plow with attachments,
  • Cavalier – Voyager-like, but constructed vertically and slightly taller than the rest,
  • Scorpoid – scorpion equipped with claws and a stinger.

Designed to spark an excitement for learning, Qoopers emphasizes interaction and practical skills during play while allowing children to be active problem solvers. Above all, it’s about learning to think for themselves.

And if all these educational aspects make our kids grow tired, Qoopers doesn’t have to be shelved for a study break time at all. There is a Music Mode function available. Qoopers will sing a song for you, play notes with the assistance of the application or let you choose a song from the music library. Learning is not enough, so a home party is guaranteed, regardless of the chosen version of Qoopers design.

Qoopers Music Mode.

Q-Scout – STEM Arduino Educational Robot

Q-Scout robot is the perfect companion for kids at age 8 and up to explore the combined worlds of robotics, electronics and programming. Everything is based on STEAM teaching methods and principles. The heart of the robot, as in the case of its predecessor, is a board based on Arduino, thanks to which we can program it using the Scratch graphic programming software.

Q-Scout is all about durable and easy to install construction.


You’ll also find a classic set of sensors here, including an ultrasonic sensor and a line tracking sensor. These are basic sensors used not only in Robobloq robots. They are a lot of fun, the possibilities they offer are limited only by your imagination and skills, plus they are really simple to program.


Available expansions allow you to upgrade and upgrade your robot with additional equipment – we can arm our Scout with sensors and other electronics with sets like:

In the case of Q-Scout, we also have the possibiliites of the Robobloq App. It will help you to turn your smartphone or tablet into a controller to operate the robot or a tool to program it. Scratch is perfect for children and those just starting their adventure with programming, and the process itself consists in lifting and dropping appropriate blocks with instructions.

In place of Qoopers Music Mode we get the Light Show feature. Q-Scout can present a multitude of light effects. Red, blue, short, long – with Q-Scout Robobloq we can code them as we like.

Q-Dino – educational dinosaur & crocodile

Robobloq, or rather the Botland Blog, takes an unusual approach to the chronology of history – first cars and tracked tanks, and finally a mighty robosaurrrrus.

Q-dino is a programmable educational robot from Robobloq meant for older kids. Designed for children ages 8 and up, Robobloq’s Q-dino follows in the footsteps of all its friends by meeting STEM requirements. Little ones learn to code at the same time as learning how the motors and attached sensors work. Learning with robots includes elements of many disciplines, including understanding connections and cause-and-effect sequences, but most of all it’s great fun.

Q-Crocodile in natural habitat. Rawwr!

Q-Dino has two names: the second is Q-Crocodile. It’s a sturdy robot building kit made of durable aluminum. The interactive eyes of a dinosaur or a crocodile express emotions, and the big jaw emphasizes the predatory anatomy even when children themselves convert the roboreptile from one version to another. The coding for all those of green Robobloq trio remains the same – we can use most smartphones, computer or tablet and there is wireless control via Bluetooth.

In addition to self-assembly, creative play also includes a choice between Crocodile and Dino versions.

Following list presents a small comparison of robots. Due to its uniqueness and a little different way of playing and learning, the Qobo snail is not included here.


Indications of the recommended age are often approximate and much depends on our kids, but due to many small elements we advise against using them and playing for children under 3 years of age.

Robobloq educational robots and kits


You can visit the product pages at Botland store for or exact specifications of educational robots, kits and extensions for Robobloq series robots. Let’s enrich the children creativity together!

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Picture of Oskar Pacelt

Oskar Pacelt

A fan of good literature and music. He believes that a successful text is like a letter sent into the future. In life, he is most interested in truth, other interests are impossible to count. He loves swimming.

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