Category: Electronics

ESP32 – connecting OLED display

In the previous article we briefly explained what ESP32 is and what it can be used for. We also learned how to read data from

How to learn electronics on your own?

Every journey begins with a first step. It’s no different when it comes to electronics. Fortunately there is an abundance of materials!

AI in a nutshell (a really short one)

Terms heard often, terms unknown. A short and beginner-friendly text concerning fundamentals of artificial intelligence. Bonus: electronics.

ESP32 – connection with DS18B20 temperature sensor

Small size, great communication capabilities, affordable price. In this tutorial we connect an ESP32 module to DS18B20 temperature sensor and read sensor data both on serial monitor and in a browser.

Motor drivers and how to pick and choose them

Motors can be controlled in many different ways. And when we wish to control motors with a controller, we need a proper motor controller. Let’s discover them together.

Consumer electronics

Contrary to appearances, these ordinary, everyday activities are closely related to electronics. In this article, we discuss several consumer electronics devices in terms of their basic internal structure and operating principle.

ESP32 – connecting a relay

In this article we will connect a relay to an ESP32 module and create a lighting control system using an LED. You can also use a standard 230V incandescent bulb, but be careful with this.