Category: Electronics

The snail – what is it?

According to some it sounds funny, according to others it sounds awful. The facts are that many machines will not work without gears, and many gears without worm gears. Today we are unraveling this mystery.

Sonometer – what is it and what is it used for?

Key in the context of safety and health, environmental protection and scientific research, sound measurements are carried out for us by clever sonometers. Let’s take a look at how they work

Monostable button – what is it and how does it work?

Electric buttons are certainly not something to be afraid of, as they do not generate energy and are passive. For the electronics novice, however, all of this can be difficult at first. Fortunately, there is Botland Blog.

Electric actuators – what is it and what is it used for?

They say that to get stronger, you have to wrestle a bigger opponent. We, on the other hand, offer an article on electric actuators – completely without forcing. We invite those who do not want to be surprised to read.

News in Botland #66

It’s another April news in the Botland store this time! This month we have prepared some really special products for you – take a look at the offer! We are confident that there is something for everyone.

Transceiver – what is it and what is it used for?

Perhaps the most interesting part of the history of transceivers are the anecdotes that show how they have had a significant impact on our lives – from science, to humanitarian aid… to space exploration. But first, let’s see how they work in general.

Regulated power supply – what is it and what is it used for?

A power supply is a power supply, it’s supposed to be and that’s it. Or actually? Well, it’s not necessarily that simple. Today about the essence of voltage regulation and the potential problems when we choose unwisely to weigh this topic lightly.

Z-Wave – What is it?

A home automation system is worth building gradually, learning from mistakes and benefiting from the experience of other users. Communication protocols such as Z-Wave come to the rescue.

Proximity sensor – What is it and what is it used for?

So much has already been written about them, and they remain a fascinating and extremely important element in the field of technology. Their role in everyday life is invaluable, although we often do not even realize their existence.

ATTiny85 – what is it and what is it used for?

Atmel has revolutionized today’s electronics. In fact, he has been doing it since 1984. We introduce you to one of its tiny wonders – the ATTiny85 microcontroller.