Reading time: 2 min.

Microduino is a bit like the building blocks. We assemble our robots from pre-made components. We can choose from STEM / STEAM Microduino educational toys and mCookie modules that work with the Arduino IDE. Let’s see what else this amazing and little-ones-friendly platform offers.

Microduino series is all about unique electronics prototyping. Maybe it would be too much to call it revolutionary as similiar method appeared in M5Stack series, too. However the practice of soldering is gone here. No piles of tangled cables for components, no burned skin on hands – Microduino makes it all yesterday news and in the context of educational function it is an even more significant matter. Microduino has opened the world of electronics to designers, architects, biologists, scientists, medical workers and other countless professionals. It is clean, it is intuitive, it is developmental.


Upcoming overall concept won’t seem strange for those familiar with Grove Seeedstudio. Microduino is an ecosystem of over 100 modules and sensors. It is a complete platform. Microduino modules happen to be the size of a coin and stackable. Limited space with dimensions with measures around 25mm is not a problem, or at least the maker and engineering challenge is incomparably smaller here, and it doesn’t take away from the fun at all.


Coding is performed with mDesigner. It is a tool based on the graphical programming language Scratch 3. It’s not just usual Scratch interface – platform supports control and interaction with most Microduino DIY modules and serves as an excellent alternative for beginners who are just learning how to code.

Coding with Arduino IDE

Microduino (DIY) series modules can be programmed in traditional text coding using the Arduino IDE with Microduino support added.

Drag & drop coding

Microduino DIY modules can be programmed with drag-and-drop method using mDesigner.

Python mDesinger coding

mDesigner features Python programming as well.

Microduino educational robots at Botland store

Microduino is all about simplicity and an element of entertainment. After all boredom is the worst enemy of learning. The content must be age and ability appropriate, the practice… well, practical, or rather – everything must be put into practice. And under no circumstances should children be bored! Fortunately, Microduino is a remedy.



  • Itty Bitty Buggy – STEM is a small robot that would suit well as a gift for children over the age of 8. If your little fellow would like to start building robots, the Itty Bitty Buggy is the perfect start of holistic and well-rounded STEM education.
  • mPuzzle is a set of magnetic elements is first of all a way to learn basic concepts of electronics in a form of a puzzle. Toddlers above 5 years old can cope with it. Among other things, the set includes timetable cards and a 150-page instruction manual. You can check out the full contents on the product page.
  • mPie – this coding set of elements is designed for children over 7 years old. The magnetic modules to be assembled with parents or independently have been marked with the most intuitive code possible – colors. Interesting projects will teach electronics in practice and provide fun for hours.

Itty Bitty Buggy educational robot set

Microduino mCookie

On top of that, the offer includes:

100 new elements for Itty Bitty Buggy,

mCookie LED Matrix,

mCookie OLED 182×64 px,

mCookie Motion,

mCookie electronics educational set.


Sample projects can be found on the Microduino product pages – be sure to take a look at them.

All educational robots


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Picture of Oskar Pacelt

Oskar Pacelt

Fan dobrej literatury i muzyki. Wierzy, że udany tekst jest jak list wysłany w przyszłość. W życiu najbardziej interesuje go prawda, pozostałych zainteresowań zliczyć nie sposób. Kocha pływać.

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