Product description: Car rodent repellent with radar - Viano OS4
We offer high quality rodentrepellents. It is a device with twobuzzers, which emit ultrasounds unpleasant to any rodent. The buzzer is designed to be mounted under the hood of a car. In addition, it is equipped witha motion sensor(radar), which after detecting the slightest change activates anLEDthat emits a series of stroboscopic flashes to repel pests. Placing the device in the vicinity of the engine and most sensitive components provides the greatest possible safety and additionally effectively allows the soundwavesto spread around the vehicle. This allows animals to hear the deterrent signals from up to200 metresaway.

The Viano OS4 radar deterrent.
Small creatures - a serious danger
Common mice, martens or weasels in Europe maypose a serious threatto unprepared vehicles and, consequently, to people who will use them. Rodents in cars often look for a source of warmth in winter, looking for a place for a new lair or simply attracted by the smell, looking for new sources of food. When they get under the hood or into the cabin, when they meet an obstacle in their way,they bite through it.
This can be, for example, engine oilhoses, refrigeranthosesor electronicscables, while inside the car it can be upholstery, an armchair, a piece of floor or objects left behind. Repairing such damage often generateshigh costsand problems. It is worth noting, however, that unfortunately, damage to parts of the equipment can even threaten the health and life of vehicle users. If a rodent damages abrake pipe, for example-the driver without knowing anything, can move off and cause an accident on the road. It is worth protecting yourself against such eventualities.

The dehumidifier has threeLEDsthat emit stroboscopic flashes.
Duster frequencies
The device uses a system that constantlychangesthe height of the emitted waves-this prevents any "getting used to" animals that would like to reach the vehicle. The device has been designed in such a way as to discourage any rodents and pests, while not harmingyour pets. If you have a dog or cat,they will not be exposedto unpleasant frequencies, as the range of waves emitted only affects the vermin.
It's also worth noting that the device is an excellent alternative to the methods used in the past when humans had to deal with animals. Setting a trap has often been much less effective and, above all, has caused suffering and death to animals. Today's technologies make it possible to avoid the use of violence and, above all, achieve much higher efficiency.

The often changing frequency means that rodents will not be able to get used to the ultrasound generated.
Easy and quick installation
No specialist knowledge or skills are required to install the device.The dehumidifieris equipped with two wires, at the ends of which there areringconnectors prepared for connection to the carbatteryclamps. The entire operation may take a few minutes at most.

The dehumidifier is powered directly from the car battery.
Mount it and forget
The offered horn is constructed in such a way that after installing it you can forget about both the danger of rodents and the device itself.The deaeratorstartsautomaticallywhen the engine is finished and switches off when you turn the key in the ignition.

Thanks to the mounting ears the installation of the device is very easy.
Adapted to difficult conditions
It is also worth mentioning that the device made by Viano company is perfectly adapted to the prevailing conditions in Europe. The whole is based on a high quality system based ontransistors, which are adapted to work in both very low and very hightemperatures, whichwe can experience throughout the country. This is a much better solution compared to, for example, a solution in which management would be carried out by means of a delicate microprocessor system.
Technical specification:
- Power supply: 12 V
- Power consumption: 15 mA
- Flash power consumption: 5 mA
- Radar motion detector: 2 m
- Angle of ultrasound emission: up to 120°
- Ultrasonic range: up to 200 metres
- Operating temperature: from -30° to 70°
- Dimensions: 85 x 65 x 36 mm
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