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Products: 24

Magnetometer GY-271 3-axis digital I2C 3,3V / 5V - QMC5883L

Sensor to measure the magnetic field in three axes in the range of ±8 gauss with a resolution of 5 miles gaus. It works with the voltage from 3.3 V to 5.0 V. It is...
5.0 (6)
Index: MOD-02722
Index: MOD-02722
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €7.50 Price €7.50

ICM-20948 9DoF - 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer I2C/SPI Qwiic - Adafruit 4554

The Adafruit module is a combination of 3-axis gyroscope, accelerometer and compass. It allows to measure acceleration, magnetic field and angular velocity. The measuring...
5.0 (3)
Index: ADA-17709
Index: ADA-17709
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €22.50 Price €22.50

3-axis magnetometer - MMC5603 - STEMMA QT / Qwiic - Adafruit 5579

The Magnetometer from Adafruit is equipped with the MMC5603 system - monolithic, integrated 3-axis AMR magnetic sensor. It is characterized by high sensitivity and has a...
5.0 (1)
Index: ADA-21911
Index: ADA-21911
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €7.90 Price €7.90

IMU 10DoF - MPU9255 + BMP280 - 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and barometer - Waveshare 12476

The sensor is a combination of 3-axis gyro, accelerometer and compass. Allows you to measure acceleration, magnetic field and angular velocity in the configurable ranges....
5.0 (2)
Index: WSR-08298
Index: WSR-08298
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €44.90 Price €44.90

Grove - 3 Axis Digital Compass V2

Grove Series 3-axis digital compass based on the Bosch BMM150. It allows to measure magnetic field in three perpendicular axes. The data can be read out using the I2C and SPI...
Index: SEE-14742
Index: SEE-14742
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €14.50 Price €14.50

I2C Environmental Sensor - for Raspberry Pi Pico - Waveshare 20232

A module designed for the Raspberry Pi Pico equipped with a range of useful environmental sensors . Manufactured by Waveshare, it includes temperature, humidity, air...
5.0 (1)
Index: WSR-20085
Index: WSR-20085
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €42.90 Price €42.90

3-axis magnetometer - TLV493D - STEMMA QT/Qwiic - Adafruit 4366

3-axis magnetometer manufactured by Adafruit and equipped with an efficient TLV493D system. The maximum data transfer rate is up to 1 Mb/s . The module is used when...
Index: ADA-23830
Index: ADA-23830
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €8.90 Price €8.90

LIS3MDL 3-axis digital magnetometer I2C/SPI - Pololu 2737

Sensor to measure magnetic field in three axes in the range from ±4 gauss to ±16 gauss. The supply voltage is from 2.5 V to 5.5 V, sensor is characterized by small size, low...
Index: PLL-05330
Index: PLL-05330
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €10.90 Price €10.90

9-DOF Accel/Mag/Gyro+Temp Breakout Board - LSM9DS1 - Adafruit 3387

The sensor is a combination of 3-axis digital gyroscope, accelerometer and compass. It allows you to measure acceleration, magnetic field and angular velocity in the...
5.0 (1)
Index: ADA-08441
Index: ADA-08441
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €33.00 Price €33.00

Grove - 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer - ICM20600 + AK09918 - I2C

The module from Grove series, designed for 9-deegre inertial navigation (IMU). It acts as a gyroscope, accelerometer and electronic compass. It allows you to measure angular...
5.0 (2)
Index: SEE-12916
Index: SEE-12916
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €14.50 Price €14.50

MinIMU-9 v5 9DOF - accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer I2C - Pololu 2738

The sensor allows to measure 9 sizes: acceleration X, Y, Z magnetic field X, Y, Z and angular velocity X, Y, Z. It is a combination of 3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope...
5.0 (2)
Index: PLL-05528
Index: PLL-05528
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €33.50 Price €33.50

SparkFun 6 DoF IMU - ISM330DHCX - 3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope - SparkFun SEN-19764

The board is equipped with the ISM330DHCX system containing a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope. The module allows you to measure linear acceleration in the range of...
5.0 (1)
Index: SPF-21821
Index: SPF-21821
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €42.90 Price €42.90

Environmental sensor - hat for Raspberry Pi - Waveshare 20471

An environmental sensor in the form of an overlay for Raspberry Pi equipped with a number of useful sensors. It has built-in temperature , humidity , air pressure, ambient...
5.0 (1)
Index: WSR-20550
Index: WSR-20550
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €34.90 Price €34.90

Micro 3-axis magnetometer - MMC5983MA - Qwiic - SparkFun SEN-19921

3-axis magnetometer in miniature version, equipped with the MMC5983MA system by MEMSIC . It is characterized by high sensitivity , allowing the accuracy of the course on...
4.0 (1)
Index: SPF-21816
Index: SPF-21816
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €18.90 Price €18.90

MinIMU-9 v6 - module with accelerometer and magnetometer - LSM6DSO and LIS3MDL - Pololu 2862

MinIMU-9 v6 is an measurement unit (IMU) that includes a 3-axis gyroscope , an LSM6DSO accelerometer and a LIS3MDL magnetometer. All these elements are placed on a compact...
Index: PLL-23639
Index: PLL-23639
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €25.90 Price €25.90

Fermion - 3-axis magnetometer - BMM150 - I2C/SPI - DFRobot SEN0419

Module with a three-axis magnetometer from DFRobot, equipped with a Bosch BMM150 system - based on the FlipCore technology. It enables the measurement of the magnetic field...
5.0 (2)
Index: DFR-20994
Index: DFR-20994
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €8.50 Price €8.50

BMM150 3-Axis Magnetometer Sensor - I2C/SPI - Waveshare 24657

The BMM150 3-axis magnetometer from Waveshare provides accurate magnetic field measurements in three axes X, Y and Z. It is characterized by small dimensions, low power...
Index: WSR-23399
Index: WSR-23399
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €7.50 Price €7.50

LSM6DSOX + LIS3MDL IMU 9DoF FeatherWing - 3-axis accelometer, gyroscope and magnetometer FeatherWing Shield- Adafruit...

A module from the Feather family. The sensor is a combination of accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer . It allows to measure acceleration, angular velocity and...
5.0 (1)
Index: ADA-17767
Index: ADA-17767
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €28.90 Price €28.90

Gravity - 3-axis magnetometer - BMM150 - I2C - DFRobot SEN0529

DFRobot three-axis magnetometer with Bosh BMM150 system based on FlipCore technology. The module allows you to measure the magnetic field in three perpendiculars in the...
5.0 (1)
Index: DFR-22276
Index: DFR-22276
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €11.50 Price €11.50

AltIMU-10 v6 - module with accelerometer, compass and altimeter- LSM6DSO, LIS3MDL and LPS22DF - Pololu 2863

AltIMU-10 v6 from Pololu is an advanced measurement unit and altimeter , also combining a gyroscope, an LSM6DSO accelerometer, a LIS3MDL magnetometer and an LPS22DF...
Index: PLL-23635
Index: PLL-23635
Shipping in 24 hours
Regular price €33.50 Price €33.50

RedShift Labs UM7 - AHRS 9DoF orientation sensor 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer - with housing -...

The sensor consists of a 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. It can work as a system AHRS. It uses the advanced Kalman filter to calculate flight parameters. This...
5.0 (1)
Index: PLL-07620
Index: PLL-07620
Temporarily unavailable
Waiting time: 4-6 weeks
Regular price €213.90 Price €213.90

9DoF IMU Breakout - ISM330DHCX, MMC5983MA - Qwiic - SparkFun SEN-19895

SparkFun Qwiic 9DoF IMU Breakout sensor combines a high-performance digital ISM330DHCX accelerometer, a gyroscope and a highly sensitive three-axis magnetometer MMC5983MA ....
Index: SPF-21961
Index: SPF-21961
Waiting for delivery
Goods pending acceptance - available within a few days
Regular price €59.50 Price €59.50

VR IMU Breakout - VR module with IMU sensor - BNO086 - Qwiic - SparkFun SEN-22857

VR IMU Breakout from SparkFun is a module with an IMU sensor intended for use in the field of virtual reality (VR). It is equipped with an efficient BNO086 chip from...
5.0 (1)
Index: SPF-23839
Index: SPF-23839
Waiting for delivery
Goods pending acceptance - available within a few days
Regular price €42.90 Price €42.90

BNO085 9-DOF IMU Fusion Breakout - 3-axis accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope - Adafruit 4754

Sensor based on the BNO085 system equipped with an accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope. Allows you to measure acceleration, spatial orientation, and where the strongest...
4.9 (10)
Index: ADA-22113
Index: ADA-22113
Temporarily unavailable
Waiting time: 4-6 weeks
Regular price €33.00 Price €33.00

What is a magnetometer and how does it work?

Among the MEMS sensors included in the Botland store's offer, you will find devices with a built-in gyroscope, accelerometer, and a magnetometer - a device used to measure the magnetic field intensity, most often based on the Hall effect or magnetoresistance phenomenon. The device can be used, for example, to measure the earth's magnetic field (proton magnetometer) or to detect metals. In a Hall magnetometer, if we connect a voltage source to a metal plate, we cause a current to flow between the two surfaces of the plate. In turn, the Gaussian vibration magnetometer works on the principle of vibrations of a small magnet. The name of the device comes from its inventor, CF Gauss. It was the first device to measure absolute magnetic intensity.

Magnetometer – a device for measuring the magnetic field

When we bring a source of magnetic field (e.g. a magnet) close to a plate powered by direct voltage, we distort the electron flow path on the plate surface. Then, one side of the plate will be occupied by electrons and the other by protons. In this way we will observe changes in the magnetic field.

After connecting a voltmeter with a readable display between both surfaces of the board, we will be able to read the voltage, the value of which depends on the intensity of the magnetic field and its direction of influence in space. A magnetometer is a device used to measure the magnetic field of various elements (it can be used to measure the magnetic properties of matter).

Additional information about magnetic field measurements

The magnetoresistive concept of the magnetometer uses materials that are sensitive to the magnetic field - an iron-nickel alloy is often found. Such materials change their resistance when exposed to a magnetic field, which is why magnetometers are used to measure the magnetic field.

The MEMS sensors available in our offer are also equipped with an I2C interface, thanks to which you can easily connect your magnetometer to work with, for example, Arduino or Raspberry Pi .

Magnometer in the phone - MEMS gyroscopes - small and practical

If you want to easily develop your robot design in terms of its balance stability when stopping, moving or standing still on an uneven surface. An excellent solution will be the use of a small MEMS gyroscope which, by measuring the angular deviation of the robot from the equilibrium position, will transmit information to Arduino, which, by controlling appropriate motors and servomechanisms, will set the robot in the correct position, preventing it from unintentionally tipping over. A magnetometer is used in many electronic projects.

And how is angular velocity measured by a MEMS gyroscope? The sensor built into these devices has dimensions not exceeding the diameter of a human hair and works based on the phenomenon of mechanical resonance. When the gyroscope is rotated, the MEMS sensor converts this movement into a very low voltage signal, proportional to the rotation angle. Then, this signal is amplified and transmitted to the microcontroller, where further decisions are made via the program depending on the read voltage value.

Accelerometer - easy measurement of acceleration

Accelerometers are devices whose task is to measure acceleration - a quantity that describes how quickly an object's speed changes over time. Accelerometers are helpful tools in measurement systems for detecting vibrations of the tested object and in navigation systems. The accelerometer detects the static and dynamic effects of acceleration.

Static forces include gravity, and dynamic forces include vibration and displacement. Accelerometers can measure acceleration in one, two, or three axes of a coordinate system, but as with gyroscopes, the three-axis solution is at the forefront.

Construction of an accelerometer

The structure of a typical accelerometer includes microscopic electrodes forming a capacitor suspended on springs. Under the influence of acceleration, the electrodes move relative to each other, changing the capacitance between them - the speed of these changes makes it possible to determine the acceleration of the object on which the accelerometer works.

There are also piezoelectric accelerometers in which a suitable material, under the influence of mechanical influence, generates an electric charge on its surface - this phenomenon is used, among others, when performing seismic measurements.

Magnometers - FAQ

The magnetometer belongs to the group of MEMS sensors. It is used to precisely measure the magnetic field, or more precisely, its intensity. Some magnetometers operate on the principle of the Hall effect, while others use the phenomenon of magnetoresistance. Magnetometers have various applications. They can be used, among others: for detecting metals or for measuring magnetic fields, e.g. earth. A specific type of sensor is a Gaussian magnetometer, which uses the vibrations of a very small magnet.

When choosing a magnetometer , you should first of all take into account the measurement range, type of communication interfaces, FSR, measurement resolution, accuracy and supply voltage range and additional sensors. Other important parameters are measurement accuracy, e.g. ±0.5° and total RMS noise. Selected magnetometer models are mounted on a printed circuit board equipped with Qwiic connectors.