The module from Grove series, designed for9-deegre inertial navigation (IMU). It acts as agyroscope, accelerometer and electronic compass.For all functions responsible are two chips -LCM20600andAK09918. LCM20600 is 6-axis motion sensor which consists of 3-axis gyroscope and 3-axis accelerometer, and AK09918 is 3-axis electronic compass with very sensitive Hall sensor (of 0.15 µT/LSB). This allows for 9-level navigation, that is:the angular rotation x/y/z, acceleration x/y/z and magnetic force x/y/z.
The product is fully compatible withArduino, the manufacturer provides detailed instructions of software and sample source codeon its website. The module has a software adjustable range of the gyroscope from 250 dps to 2000 dps and of accelerometer: from 2 g to 16 G.
- Supply voltage: 3.3 V/ 5 V
- Operating temperature: -30 °C to 85 °C
- The ranges of the gyroscope: ±250 dps, ±500 dps, ±1000 dps ±2000 dps
- The sensitivity of the gyroscope for each of the ranges:
- 131 LSB/(dps) for ±250 dps
- 65.5 LSB/(dps) for ±500 dps
- 32.8 LSB/(dps) to ±1000 dps
- 16.4 LSB/(dps) for ±2000 dps
- The ranges of the accelerometer: ±2 g, ±4 g, ±8 g, ±16 g
- The sensitivity of the accelerometer for each of the ranges:
- 16384 LSB/g ±2g
- 8192 LSB/g ±4g
- 4096 LSB/g ±8g
- 2048 LSB/g ±16g
- The range of magnetic sensor: ±4912 µT (typical)
- The sensitivity of the magnetic sensor: 0.15 µT (typical)
- Interface: I2C
- The I2C address for LCM20600: 0x69(default), 0x68(optional)
- The I2C address for AK09918: 0x0C
Set includes
- Grove - IMU 9DOF (lcm20600+AK09918)
- Cable Grove
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