Diodes are common components in electronics and are used, among other things, to convert alternating current to direct current. LEDs have become incredibly popular because they are much more energy-efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs. Since the LED is a type of diode, it only lets current through in one direction. To indicate how to mount it, one leg is longer than the other. The longer leg is the anode - the leg that should be closest to the positive coil. Depending on the material used to produce LEDs, they get different colors and electrical properties. Classic red LEDs are usually operated with a voltage from 1.8 V to 2.4 V and current from 5 mA to 10 mA. At Botland.store, you will find a large selection of LEDs and accessories at reasonable prices. Check our offer, and buy the high-quality LED diode, LED stripes, and many more! We provide fast shipping and professional guidance.
LED diodes
LED RGB 5mm matte common cathode - 5 pcs
LED RGB 5 mm with common cathode. Lens is matte with better light scattering. 5 pcs.LED RGB 5mm common anode - 5 pcs
LED RGB 5 mm with common anode. Lens transparent. The product is packed in 5 pieces.LED RGB 5mm common cathode - 5pcs.
A single 5 mm led RGB common cathode. Has a transparent lens and shines at an angle of 30°. The color is transferred in three digit RGB (red, green, blue). With these LEDs, you...LED 5mm white cool clear - 5pcs
5mm cold white LED . Transparent lens. Price per 5 pieces .LED 5mm holder - nylon long - 10pcs
Long nylon LED holder 5 mm. The subject of the sale is the holder , the LEDs can be purchased separately. Price of 10 pcs.5mm 12V LED with resistor and wire - red
5mm red LED with attached resistor and 20cm long cable. It is powered by 12 V DC. Price for 5 pcs.LED holder 5mm - metal concave - 10pcs
A concave holder designed for 5 mm LEDs. It is made of metal, inside the holder there is an insulating plastic insert . The holders are designed to protect the diode...LED strip RGB WS2812 5050 x 8 LEDs - 53mm
The strip consists of 8 individually addressed RGB LEDs 5050 with integrated driver. To control the module, one microcontroller's pin is sufficient. The module length is 53 mm.LED holder 5mm - metal convex - 5pcs
LED holder 5 mm, made of metal. The subject of the sale is the holder, the LEDs can be purchased separately.Set of 5mm LEDs - justPi - 30pcs.
A set of LEDs in a 5mm DIP housing. It contains as many as 30 diodes in 3 colours - 10 pieces in red colour, 10 pieces in green colour and 10 pieces in yellow colour....Set of 5mm LED - 160pcs with resistors + organizer
The kit consists of 160 PCs of 5 mm LEDs: 50 of yellow, red and green elements and 10 LEDs in blue color. The kit also includes: 200 pieces of resistors and a handy organizer- On sale!
LED 5mm white warm clear - 5pcs
LED diode 5 mm warm white. Transparent lens. Brightness: 14 000 mcd. Beam angle: 15 °. Price for 5 pieces.Set of 5mm LEDs 10pcs with resistors
Set of ten 5 mm LEDS with resistors. The kit includes: 10 PCs resistors 1.2 kΩ and 3 PCs green, red and yellow LEDs and 1 blue LED.Pixel Boost module - 3.3V / 5V voltage buffer for WS2812B diodes
The module is used to control the WS2812B LEDs, in the case of a microcontroller running on voltage 3.3 V. It includes a buffer that allows you to convert voltages. Module...Set of 5mm LEDs - justPi - 16pcs.
A set of LEDs in a 5 mm DIP housing. It contains as many as 16 diodes in 4 colours - 5 pieces of red, 5 pieces of green, 5 pieces of yellow and 1 piece of blue diode. The...LED 5mm 12V with resistor and wire - green - 5pcs
Led 5mm green with the included resistor and a wire length of 20 cm. It is supplied with the voltage of 12 V. Items are sold in sets of 5 pieces.Module 3x LED SMD5050 12V IP65 white cold
Module consisting of 3 LEDs SMD 5050. The strip is taped on the reverse side. Price for 1 PC.