Description: CNC router bit type V 30° - 0,5 mm
Vtype cutter is designed forCNC cutting machines. Angle of cutter blade inclination is30°. The product is made of bend-resistant tungsten steel with increased wear resistance. Additionally, it is covered with a layer of titanium. It is used in many areas of industry, including electronics for drilling PCB boards. It can also be used to cut PVC, copper, aluminum, wood and fiberboard. The set includes10 pieces of cutters. The product is sold in a plastic case for easy storage. The blades are additionally protected with a rubber cap.
Specifications of the cutter
- Material: titanium-coated tungsten steel
- Shank diameter: 3.175 mm
- Blade diameter: 0.5 mm
- Type: V
- Angle of cutter: 30°
- The cutter can be used to machine among others: copper, aluminium, plastics, resin, wood, carbon fibre
Components sold in packages of 10 pieces. |