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Electronic circuits mostly perform operations related to the processing of information from one form into another. Of course, this is a considerable simplification, but signal processing is an important issue in the field of electronics. For this purpose transducers (in certain situations also called converters) are used, which are the elements used for processing analogue and digital signals. There are many cases where it is necessary to switch from the digital domain to the analogue domain and vice versa. In such situations A/D and D/A converters are used. In this category we have prepared a wide range of transducers and converters that offer standard applications, but are also equipped with a number of additional functions. All the devices have been selected for their quality and affordable price and come from suppliers with worldwide recognition. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our technical department. Botland employees will be more than happy to share their knowledge and experience. We are happy to help you choose the right device and advise you on any other issue.