Grove ADS1115 - 4-channel 16-bit ADC for Raspberry Pi - Seeedstudio 103030279

Index: SEE-13814 EAN: 5904422377427

Grove 4-channel 16-bit ADS1115 ADC is an analog-digital converter (ADC) in the form of shield for GPIO connectors of Raspberry Pi. It is 4-channel ADC based on the ADS1115 Texas Instrument which is accurate 16-bit system with low power consumption. ADC works with Raspberry in version of A+ / B+ / 2B / 3B / 3B+ / Zero / Zero W.

Grove ADS1115 - 4-channel 16-bit ADC for Raspberry Pi - Seeedstudio 103030279
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Manufacturer: Seeedstudio
Compatibility: Raspberry Pi


Grove 4-channel 16-bit ADS1115 ADC is ananalog-digital converter (ADC)in the form of shield for GPIO connectors of Raspberry PiIt is 4-channel ADCbased on theADS1115 Texas Instrumentwhich is accurate16-bit system with low power consumption. The system is supplied with the voltagefrom 3.3 V to 5 V, it communicates with the Raspberry Pi using theGPIO connectorsADC works with Raspberry in version of A+ / B+ / 2B / 3B / 3B+ / Zero / Zero W.

Grove Przetwornik ADC 16-bit

The product is compatible withRaspberry Pi.


  • Low current consumption:

a) continuous mode: only 150µA

b) Single-Shot Mode: Auto shutdown

  • Wide supply voltage range
  • Input multiplexer (MUX) that provides two differential inputs or four single-ended inputs.
  • Programmable comparator
  • Internal reference voltage for low drift
  • Internal oscillator
  • Internal PGA
  • Programmable data rate: 8SPS to 860SPS
  • Serial interface compatible with I2C

Grove ADC 16-bit


  • Portable devices
  • Consumer goods
  • Battery monitoring
  • Temperature measurement
  • Factory automation and process control

Grove ADC 16-bit

Pin Description
1. AIN0 Analog pin 0
2. NC Not Connected
3. 3V3  Output voltage: from 3.3 V
4. GND The ground of the system.
5. GND

Ground of the system is the same as in the pin 4

6. AIN0 Analog Pin 0
7. AIN1 Analog Pin 1
8. AÏN 2 Analog Pin 2
9. AÏN 3 Analog Pin 3
0. 3v3 Output voltage of 3.3 V

Technical specification of

Attribute The value

Working voltage

3.3 V / 5 V

Analog input current

100mA (momentary)
10 mA (continuous)

Storage temperature


The maximum temperature of connector




The address of the interface

0x48 (defult)
0x49 ~ 0x4B (customizable)

Set includes

  • 4-channel 16-bit ADC
  • 4 x double-sided screws
  • 8 x screws


Sensor - type converter
Package width 12 cm
Package height 8 cm
Package depth 3 cm
Package weight 0.036 kg



Question: Will the Grove ADS1115 ADC be compatible with the Raspberry PI 4?
Answer: Yes, the transmitter is compatible with Raspberry Pi 4B.

Product reviews

Grove ADS1115 - 4-channel 16-bit ADC for Raspberry Pi - Seeedstudio 103030279


Average grade


Customers opinion
The following opinions are collected
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and come from the post-purchase process.
Tomasz K. 05.06.2021 Confirmed purchase Translated review
It works very well.
Inp 19.07.2024 Confirmed purchase

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