The contents
- About the author (9)
- Thanks (11)
- Introduction (13)
1. Introduction of mechanisms and machines (21)
- Six simple machines (22)
- 1. The levers (23)
- 2. Pulleys, blocks, tackles (30)
- 3. Turnstile (34)
- 4. Slanted and wedges (36)
- 5. Screws (36)
- 6. Reducers (39)
- Design constraints and degrees of freedom (43)
- Degrees of freedom (44)
- The minimum limits of the project (45)
- The project 1.1. Machine Breakfast Rube and Goldberg (47)
- Literature (51)
2. Materials: how to choose them and where to find them (53)
- Design of materials (54)
- Properties of materials (54)
- Stress, buckling, fatigue (55)
- Scholarships of error (56)
- Types of materials (58)
- Metals (58)
- Pottery (62)
- Polymers (plastics) (62)
- Composite materials (64)
- Semiconductors (66)
- Biotworzywa (67)
- The project 2.1. Trampolines of various materials (67)
- The literature (68)
3. Bolts for fixing or adhesive: attachment and bonding items (69)
- Disjointed connections: the connectors (70)
- Bolts, screws and threaded holes (71)
- The project 3.1. Drilling and tapping of holes (76)
- Nuts (82)
- Tissue (83)
- Nails and staples (83)
- Studs (84)
- Retaining ring (84)
- The inseparable connection: adhesives, rivets and the seam (85)
- The adhesive (85)
- Rivet (88)
- Welding soldering solid and classic (89)
4. Forces, friction and torque (Oh my God!) (91)
- Calculations related to torque (92)
- Friction (95)
- The project 4.1. Evaluation of coefficient of friction (99)
- The reduction of friction (101)
- The distribution of power and robots-grafficiarze (102)
- Methods of calculating forces and torque (106)
- Power measurement (106)
- Measurement of torque (108)
- The project 4.2. Measurement of engine torque (108)
5. The capacity of mechanical and electrical work and energy (111)
- Mechanical energy (112)
- Electrical energy (114)
- Power projects (119)
- The power of prototypes: adjustable laboratory power supply (120)
- Mobile solutions: batteries (121)
- The solution of the stationary (125)
- Alternative sources of energy (126)
- Spring and storing potential elastic energy (132)
- Project 5.1. The vehicle is a trap for the mouse (133)
- Literature (135)
- English (135)
- The Polish language (136)
6. Hickory-Dickory dock, angry engine: methods of preparation and control of motion (137)
- The principle of operation of the engine (138)
- Project 6.1. Self-made motor with wire nawojowym (138)
- Types of rotary actuators (141)
- DC motors (142)
- AC motors (153)
- Electromagnets swivel (154)
- The types of linear actuators (154)
- Linear motors (156)
- Electromagnets (157)
- Engine management (157)
- Basics DC motor (158)
- Project 6.2. All about controlling the DC motor - the simplest circuit (158)
- Project 6.3. Pike chain (159)
- Project 6.4. Create circuits on a circuit Board (162)
- Project 6.5. The motor changes the rotation direction (165)
- Adjust the speed using the modulation of pulse width (168)
- Project 6.6. Motor control using hardware PWM modulation (169)
- Modern control methods DC motors (174)
- Project 6.7. Software generation of PWM signal for motor control (174)
- Control of the servomotor for use in the Amateur (179)
- The project 6.8. Management standard actuator (181)
- Control stepper motor (184)
- Project 6.9. Management bipolarnym stepper motor (186)
- Control of a linear motor (189)
- Tips for engine control (190)
- Movement without engine (193)
- Fluid pressure (193)
- Artificial muscles (195)
- Literature (196)
- English (196)
- Polish (197)
7. Guts: bearings, couplers, gears, screws & springs (199)
- Bearings and bushings (200)
- Radial bearings (201)
- Thrust bearings (206)
- Linear bearings and guides (208)
- Bearings, combined and special (208)
- Tips for mounting the bearings (212)
- Clutch (214)
- Working with serwomotorami in the conditions of the Amateur (215)
- Working with other types of engines (216)
- Clutch drive (222)
- The fixing flanges (223)
- Reducers (223)
- Project 7.1. Create your own gear (226)
- Wheels indirect (234)
- Reducers complex (236)
- Pulleys and sprockets, belts and chains (237)
- Standard drives the pulley (237)
- System timing (238)
- Chain drive (239)
- Propellers (239)
- Spring (240)
- Compression spring (240)
- Spring pull-UPS (242)
- Torsion spring (243)
- Washer (245)
- Spring plate (245)
- Spring spiral (246)
- Literature (246)
- English (246)
- Polish (246)
8. Connection simple machines in complex layouts (247)
- Mechanisms for converting motion (248)
- Arm (249)
- Cams and lifters (250)
- Chain kinematic (252)
- The project 8.1. The pantograph in the shape of a heart (254)
- Ratchet (255)
- Methods of transformation of movement (255)
- Automata and mechanical toys (259)
- The project 8.2. Create your own slot machine - przytakująca sheep (262)
- Literature (264)
- English (264)
- Polish (264)
9. The creation of devices and the cost of their implementation (265)
- Ecosystem to deprive the objects in motion (266)
- Creation (267)
- The creation of analog (267)
- Creating digital (268)
- Project 9.1. Loading and opening a three dimensional model of a specific component (272)
- Translation (274)
- The translation of analog (274)
- A digital (275)
- Manufacturing (276)
- Manufacturing analog (276)
- The project 9.2. Drilling centre holes without using a lathe (278)
- Manufacturing digital (283)
- Integration (285)
- Integration of analog (285)
- Integrating digital (286)
- Distribution (286)
- Distribution of analog (286)
- The proliferation of digital (287)
- Literature (288)
- English (288)
- Polish (288)
10. Projects (289)
- Project 10.1. Szybkobieżny countertop swivel (Hardworking Josie) (290)
- Project 10.2. Wind generator (301)
- Project 10.3. SADbot: the robot is drawn depending on the weather (309)
- Literature (327)
- English (327)
- Polish (327)
Addition. Power mounting plate, base Arduino, and conversion factors units (329)
- The power contact plate (330)
- The Basics Of The Arduino (331)
- Cooperation Arduino with a computer (332)
- The flickering of the led (334)
- DECENT led blinking (336)
- Conversion factors of units (337)
Reference (339)