Shield forRaspberry Pi, version A+ / B+ / 2 / 3 / 3+ / Zero / Zero W adding 16 digital I/O pins, 8 analog inputs, 2 analog outputs and real time clock with battery connector. It connects via the I2C and SPI bus.
The kit includes connectors for self-soldering.
The product is compatible with Raspberry The manufacturer provides asample programto control module. |
The module has a built-in chipMCP23017adding 16 digital I/o pins,MCP3208with 8 analog 12-bit inputs,MCP4822with two analog 12-bit outputs and aDS1307 system adding real-time clock. Integrated connector of batteryCR2032(sold separately) is used to maintain the supply of of the clock. To minicomputer connected can be only one shield Extender PI but it is possible to connect to it a shield of another type.
Module for connection an external referential power supply for the A/C converter. In this case, you must remove soldering jumper J1 to avoid damaging the board.
During the seperate powering of the Raspberry and the shield, you must remove the jumper JUMPER. Also, you should not connect the power supply without a connected CR2032 battery. This can cause damage to the clock module.
- Power: 4.5 V to 5.5 V
- 16 digital pins of I/O: systemMCP23017
- 8 channels of 12-bit A/C converter:MCP3208
- 2 channel of 12-bit C/A converter:MCP4822
- Real-time clock:DS1307
- Internal reference voltage: up to 4,096 V
- External reference voltage: 5 V
- External power supply with isolation of 5 V
- Communication: I2C (0x20) and SPI
- Current of each pin: 25 mA
- Total maximum current: 125 mA
- Included is connector of 2x20 pin for self-soldering
The subject of the sale is a shield,Raspberry Piand spacers can be purchased separately.