E-paper E-Ink 10,3'' 1872×1404 - flexible E-Ink display HAT for Raspberry Pi - Waveshare 16712

Index: WSR-14888 EAN: 5904422342753

10.3" e-paper display in E-Ink technology with 1872 x 1404 px resolution. It works with a voltage of 5 V. Designed for use with the main module. It communicates via the SPI/180/I2C/USB interface. The kit includes a HAT cap for Rasperra Pi.

E-paper E-Ink 10,3'' 1872×1404 - flexible E-Ink display HAT for Raspberry Pi - Waveshare 16712
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Manufacturer: Waveshare
Compatibility: Raspberry Pi


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Description: Waveshare E-paper E-Ink 10.3" 1872 × 1404 - display with HAT overlay for Raspberry Pi

10.3"e-paperdisplay in E-Ink technology with1872 x 1404 pxresolution. It works with a voltage of5 V. Designed for use with the main module. It communicates via the SPI/180/I2C/USB interface. The kit includes a HAT cap for Rasperra Pi. The screen is compatible with computers running Windows, Rasperry Pi and STM32.

Waveshare E-paper E-Ink 10.3

Waveshare E-paper E-Ink 10.3".

Waveshare E-paper E-Ink

Waveshare E-paper E-Ink 10.3" 1872 x 1404.

The includedHAT capforRaspberry Pi, however, is also compatible with other minicomputers such as STM32. The displays of this type are characterized byvery low power consumption and wide viewing angles.The screen is an ideal choice for applications such as ebook reader, E-Ink and industrial devices.

Adruino and Raspberry compatible product

The manufacturer provides a user guide forRaspberry Pi,Windows PCandSTM32.


Waveshare E-paper E-Ink 10.3

Waveshare E-paper E-Ink 1872 x 1404 display scheme.

Pin Description
5V Power input.
GND The weight of the system.
MISO SPI interface Pin MISO.
MOSI Pin MOSI SPI interface.
SCK Pin SCK SPI interface.

SPI chip selectionactivated in a low state.

RST External reset activated by low state.
HRDY Busy status output, activated by low status.

Waveshare E-paper E-Ink 10.3" 1872 x 1404" Technical Specifications

Parameter Scope
Supply voltages 5 V
Interface USB / SPI / 180 / I2C
External dimensions 227,7 mm x 165,8 mm x 0,647 mm
Display dimensions 209,664 mm x 157,248 mm
Pixel 0,112 mm x 0,112 mm
Resolution 1872 x 1404
Greyscale 2 to 16 (1 - 4 bit)
Full refreshment time 450 ms
Angles of vision > 170°

Screen - type e-paper
Screen - interface SPI+I2C
Screen - touch no

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