Making your job easier.
Prototype boards are very simple structures, a piece of plastic with metal rails inside, and yet they can make life and work incredibly easier. This tool allows you to quickly and conveniently create prototypes of printed circuit boards without the need for soldering or etching. It is impossible to count the time saved and work put into building projects. There are various types of prototype boards available on the market, e.g. improvised, fabricated, soldered or stripboards.
A remedy for all ills?
So many positives, would that mean a product that would be a remedy for problems in every situation? Of course not. Life often shows that nothing is perfect. High-frequency systems, in which capacitance, resistance and parasitic inductance determine relatively large widths and lengths of paths connecting elements, do not allow the use of universal boards. The second criterion is often a matter of taste, some electronics engineers often prefer to design directly on printed circuit boards, even if the etching has to be repeated in case of errors.
Not just prototype boards.
Prototype boards have many advantages and make the work of assembling systems much easier, but in our store in this category, in addition to the boards themselves, you will also find accessories for them, universal boards and SMD-DIP adapters. Our rich assortment will meet your needs, and if you have any questions or doubts, our technical department is at your disposal - write to us! We strive to ensure that the goods delivered to you are of the highest quality and at the most attractive prices.
Prototype boards - Botland - Shop for roboticists
The Botland store's assortment includes prototype boards and accessories from manufacturers such as Adafruit, Botland, DFRobot, Iduino, justPi, M5Stack, MSX Elektronika, OpenPlatform, Pololu, Seeedstudio, SparkFun and others. The prototype board allows you to thoroughly check the correct operation of the electronic system and, if necessary, make quick corrections. Prototype boards come in different sizes, and therefore, they differ in the number of holes. We offer both universal single-sided and double-sided prototype boards.