Arduino motion detection

The example shows how we can detect movement using PIR sensor in combination with Arduino microcontroller.

The example uses the following elements:

Connecting the sensor from Arduino:

The module communicates via a popular bus with one signal output. The connection to Arduino is made as follows:

PIR module Pin Arduino

Wiring diagram of the sensor from Arduino Uno.

Program for Arduino

The following code was used in the example:

int sensor = 8; //pin 8 connected to a sensor signal

void setup(){
  Serial.begin(9600); //initialisation of a serial monitor
  pinMode(sensor, INPUT); // setting the Arduino pin as input
  Serial.println("---- TEST SENSOR MOVEMENT TEST ----"); 

void loop(){
  int motion = digitalRead (sensor); //reading the value from the sensor
  if(movement === HIGH) // displaying information on a serial monitor
  { // high state means motion detection, low state means no motion
    Serial.println("MOVE CHARACTERS!");
  else {Serial.println("no traffic");}
  delay(200); // delay between readings

The effects of the programme can be seen below:

Serial screenshot of the monitor. - shop for makers!