Dobot Al-Starter - 2 wheel robot platform with sensors and DC drive + DuDuino Mega2560

Index: DBT-15359 EAN: 5904422343316

Atwo-wheeled platform with DC drive and DuDuino Mega2560 controller that helps teach integrated mechanisms, electronics and programming. It has various sensors that can perform various interesting functions such as obstacle bypassing or line tracking. The AI-Starter combines learning with fun and will introduce children to the world of artificial intelligence in a way that is interesting for them.

Dobot Al-Starter - 2 wheel robot platform with sensors and DC drive + DuDuino Mega2560
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Manufacturer: Dobot


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Description: Dobot Al-Starter - 2-wheeled robot platform with sensors and DC drive + DuDuino Mega2560.

Atwo-wheeled platformwith DC drive andDuDuino Mega2560controller that helps teach integrated mechanisms, electronics and programming. It hasvarious sensorsthatcan perform various interesting functions such as obstacle bypassing or line tracking.The AI-Startercombines learning with fun and will introduce children to the world of artificial intelligence in a way that is interesting for them.

Dobot AI-Starter

The AI-Starter appendix.

Graphical programming

With Arduino-based graphical programming software, children will learn the basics of programming intuitively and will easily develop logical thinking skills.

Programowanie graficzne platformy Dobot AI-Starter

Graphical programming.

Built-in sensors

The robot has various built-in sensors such as: IR reflective sensor, ultrasonic distance sensor, color sensor, light sensitivity and geomagnetic sensors, which allow to perform tasks such as line tracing, obstacle detection, without user control, which gives the impression of autopilot.

Wbudowane czujniki

Built-in sensors.

Teaching through play

There are teaching materials and online courses for programming the robot. Students can follow the step-by-step guide by assembling the robot, connecting circuits and writing the program.

Nauczanie przez zabawę

Extended interfaces

AI-Starter provides interfaces such as: XBEE, Bluetooth, universal I/O, serial, I2C and other ports, thanks to which children can extend the robot's capabilities with additional modules and extend their skills. The platform is powered bya Li-Ion 18650 battery, so it can be charged via USB.

Wiele interfejsów komunikacyjnych

Many communication interfaces.

Robot platform specification Dobot AI-Starter

Working voltage 7,4 V
Control plate DuDuino Mega 2560 (compatible with Arduino Mega 2560)
Microcontroller ATmega2560
Battery Battery Li-Ion 18650
Ultrasonic distance sensor From 30 mm to 1000 mm
Tyre diameter 67 mm
Operating temperature From 0°C to 40°C
Software Arduino IDE, Mixly
Communication Interfaces USB, serial port
Expansion interface 2x 4-pin GPIO

3x ultrasonic distance sensor

2x color sensor

1x IR reflective sensor

1x geomagnetic sensor

1x light sensor

Engine parameters

Gearbox: 48:1

Voltage: 7 V

No load current consumption: 150 mA

Current consumption when the shaft is stopped: 150 mA

Maximum speed: 200 rpm

Encoder resolution factor: 585 pulses / revolution

AI-Starter platform dimensions 195 x 172 x 79 mm
AI-Starter platformweight 810 g
Maximum payload 500 g

The set includes

  • Robot chassis x1
  • DuDuino Mega 2560 x1 motherboard
  • Distance sensor x3
  • Infrared sensor x1
  • Color sensor x2
  • DC motor with x2 encoder
  • Universal wheel x1
  • Connector x2
  • Tyre x2
  • Battery 18650 x2
  • Battery cage x1
  • Brass distance M3 x 32+4 x4
  • Nylon rivet R2048 x10
  • Roundhead screw M3x5 x30
  • Countersunk screw M3x5 x4
  • Roundhead screw M3x6 x6 x6
  • Roundhead screw M4x6 x3
  • 4-pin x3 distance sensor cable
  • Color sensor cable 6-pin x2
  • 8-pin x1 line tracking module cable
  • Motor cable 6-pin x2
  • USB cable x1
  • Acrylic plate A x1
  • Acrylic plate B x1
  • Screwdriver x1
  • User guide x1

Chassis - wheels 2
Chassis - type wheel
Chassis + drive yes
Chassis + driver: yes

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