3D Printer - Original Prusa MINI+ - kit for simplified assembly

Index: PSA-15977 EAN: 8594173671331

Original 3D printer by a renowned manufacturer, Prusa. The device uses FFF/FDM incremental technology. In Prusa MINI+ a modern 32-bit motherboard with Trinamic 2209 controllers was used. The working field of the device is 180 x 180 x 180 mm. The set consists of elements for self-assembly.

3D Printer - Original Prusa MINI+ - kit for simplified assembly
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Manufacturer: Prusa

Product description: 3D printer - Original Prussia MINI+ - Do-it-yourself kit.

Original 3D printer by a renowned manufacturer,Prusa. The device usesFFF/FDMincremental technology. In Prusa MINI+ a modern32-bit motherboard with Trinamic 2209 controllerswas used. The working field of the device is 180 x 180 x 180 mm. The set consists of several elements, whoseassembly takes several dozen minutes.

Presentation of the Prusa MINI+ model.

Modernized extruder

In Prussia MINI+, an innovative solution of extruder construction was used. It will move the extruder's motor to the Z-axis column, allowing to reduce its own weight.Bowden-type drive with a 3:1 ratioallows for efficient movement ofthe pillarwith a diameter of 1.75 mm.

Umiejscowienia silnika ekstrudera na kolumnie osi Z.

Location of the extruder motor on the Z axis column.

Prussia MINI+ working field

Despite its compact size, the printer allows youto create modelswith dimensions of up to180 x 180 x 180 mm. The use of TMC2209 controllers allowed for the elimination oflimit switches in the design of the device.The printing platform is automatically levelled, based on the grid line.

Pole robocze Prusa MINI

Prussia MINI+ working field.

Easy removal of prints

Thanks to theremovable spring steel plates, the print removal for Prussia MINI+ is extremely easy.The magnetic pad, when forming the model, adheres perfectly to the heated table. After work is finished, it can be removed and the printout can be safely torn off, without risk of damage.

Magnetyczna płyta ze stali sprężynowej.

Magnetic spring steel plate.

Easy control of advanced functions

Control of the Original Prusa MINI+ is carried out by means ofa panel with a 2.8-inch screenwith a resolution of 280 x 320 pixels. Clear and intuitive menu allows easy access to all printer options. The device allows you tostart printing the object with one click.Once the pendriva is installed with the model ready, a preview is shown on the display screen. All you have to do is accept the start of work.

Dotykowy panel sterowania Prusa MINI

Touch control panel Prusa MINI+.

Innovative Buddha's motherboard

Prusa company used an innovative motherboard called Buddy in MINI+ printer. This original solution of the manufacturer is based on a32-bitarchitecture. The usedTrinamic 2209 controllers, apart from ensuring quiet operation of the device, also guarantee its high efficiency.

Płyta główna Buddy w Prusa MINI

Buddha's mainboard in Prussia MINI+.

Advanced protection of Prusa MINI+.

Original Prussian MINI+ has a number of security features that protect users from unpleasant surprises. The printer is equipped with ahigh quality power supply and three thermistorsto ensure stable operation. The device also has aPower Panicfunction, allowing you to return to work after a power loss.

Prusa MINI zapewnia bezpieczna pracą

Prussia MINI+.

SuperPINDA sensor, improved Y axis and modified firmware

The SuperPinda sensoris responsible for table levelling. It is temperature-resistant so that changes in temperature do not affect the sensor. This property is particularly important when printing the first print layer. The Prusa MINI+ model usesmetalY axisbearing housings.This solution is easier to install and provides better support for the structure. The printer's firmware, marked with version 4.0.5, has been enriched, among others, with thePrusa Connect Localfunction.

Dodatkowe ulepszenia wprowadzone w wersji Prusa Mini+.

Additional improvements introduced in Prusa Mini+ version.

Dedicated PrusaSlicer 2.0 software

The manufacturer, for the preparation of printouts, provides the original programPrusaSlicer in the latest version 2.0. It has a number of advanced features, while being easy to use.

Presentation of selected functions of PrusaSlicer 2.0.

Printer comparison Original Prusa MINI+ and Original Prusa i3 MK3S printers

Comparison of Prussia MINI+ and Prussia i3 MK3S
A model: Original Prussian MINI+ Original Prussian i3 MK3S
Work area: 180 x 180 x 180 mm 250 x 210 x 210
Layer height:

0.05 - 0.35 mm

0,05 - 0,35 mm

Nozzle temperature: 280°C 300°C
Table temperature: 100°C 120°C
The motherboard: 32 bit Buddha's plate 8-bit Ultimachine Rambo
Support for MMU2S: No Yes

Bowden system with

translation 3:1

direct system

LCD display:

2,8″ graphic display

65 000 colours


Print surface:

heated magnetic table with

plates behind spring steel

heated magnetic table with

plates behind spring steel

Diameter of the filament:

1.75 mm

1.75 mm

Nozzle diameter: Standard 0.4 mm standard 0.4 mm
Supported materials: PLA, PETG, ACE, ABS, FLEX

All available materials

thermoplastics, including nylon and


The filament sensor: not Yes (IR)
Ethernet connectivity:


using Raspberry Pi

Wi-Fi connectivity: optional enhancement using Raspberry Pi
Advanced vigilance:
  • 3 thermistors
  • Fan speed sensors
  • 4 thermistors
  • Fan speed sensors
Calibration: automatic on the basis of the grid automatic on the basis of the grid
Print file carrier:

USB / LAN storage medium

SD card

Firmware update: USB / LAN storage medium USB port
The power supply: 160 W, external

240 W with Power Panic

Oryginalna Prusa MINI i Oryginalna Prusa i3 MK3S

Prussia MINI+ andPrussia i3 MK3S.

Specification of Prussia MINI+ printer

Technical Specification
Total power: 160 W
Display: 2,8″ LCD
Print speed: up to 200 mm/s
Layer height: from 0.05 mm to 0.35 mm
Nozzle diameter:

Standard: 0.4 mm,

The filament served:


Diameter of the filament: 1.75 mm
Mode of operation: Online or from an SD card
File format: STJ, gcode
Software: PrusaSlicer
Work area:

180 x 180 x 180 mm

Nozzle temperature: max. 280 °C
Working table temperature: max. 100 °C
Communications: USB flash drive, Ethernet
Printer dimensions: 380 x 380 x 330 mm

Wymiary Prusa MINI

Compact dimensions of Prussia MINI+.

Compact Prusa MINI+ is a very good basis for the construction of so-calledprinter farms.

The manufacturer of the device announcessupport for this project in the future.

Efficient printer in mini+ version

You don't have to present the Prussian brand to any lover of 3D printing. The Prusa MINI+ model with dimensions of only 380 x 380 x 330 mm is a Czech manufacturer's proposal for those who have little workshop space. Despite its small external dimensions, the workspace is large and is 180 x 180 x 180 mm.

The Prusa MINI+ 3D printer is based on a 32-bit motherboard with Trinamic 2209 controllers, ensuring efficient operation and low noise emissions. Another innovation is the assembly of the extruder on the Z axis column, which reduces the weight of the whole structure.

Easy printing and easy model removal

3D printer - Original Prussia MINI+ - the self-assembly kit will be suitable even for beginner adepts of incremental printing. Preparation and creation of models will be facilitated by an intuitive, dedicated PrusaSlicer 2.0 environment and a large, full-color graphic display to operate the device.

Removing finished models from the work table is safer and faster thanks to spring steel caps. Whereas the Power Panic function allows you to restart 3D printing after a sudden power outage, without the risk of damaging the printed form.

3D - print surface 180x180x180 mm
3D - type of printout FFF/LPD
3D - hotend amount 1
3D - filament diameter 1.75 mm
3D - printing speed 200 mm/s
3D - printing thickness 0.05 - 0.35 mm
3D - nozzle temp 280 °C
3D - table temp. 100 °C
Package width 48 cm
Package height 26 cm
Package depth 40.5 cm
Package weight 7.6 kg



Question: 1. what specifically do I need to buy for the Prusa MINI+ to print via Wi-Fi? 2. what PLA filament is best to buy (is recommended) for this printer? 3. in addition to the above two points, is there anything else I need, I need to buy to start printing? (This will be my first ever printer.)
Answer: 1. I encourage you to read the instructions: https://help.prusa3d.com/pl/guide/konfiguracja-wi-fi-i-prusalink-mini-_316781
2. for PLA filaments that we have on offer, all of them should work well. We offer filaments from proven manufacturers.
3. As for the basic components, everything you need to start printing is included. Alternatively, you can purchase isopropyl alcohol and adhesive to improve adhesion:


Question: whether the arm on which the carriage is suspended together with the hotend does not fall down after time
Answer: We have not encountered such a problem so far. The arm on which the print head moves is very stable.


Question: Does this version of the Prusa Mini (pre-assembled) include: 1. SuperPINDA sensor 2. Filament sensor I'm not sure I see them in the review photos.
Answer: 1. the printer is equipped with a SuperPINDA sensor.
2. Unfortunately, it does not have a filament sensor.


Question: This is not a clone but the original Prusa mini?
Answer: The 3D printer we offer - Original Prusa MINI, is an original product from Prusa.


Question: I would like to know if the kit being sold includes any filament and an extra table?
Answer: Only a spool of test filament in a random color was included.

Product reviews

3D Printer - Original Prusa MINI+ - kit for simplified assembly


Average grade


Customers opinion
The following opinions are collected
and verified by
an external partner Trustmate
and come from the post-purchase process.
Andrea 11.09.2023 Confirmed purchase Translated review
The 3D printer is great.
Grzegorz 02.08.2023 Confirmed purchase Translated review
Everthing's fine. No defects, the printer is connected, works flawlessly. I RECOMMEND :)
Marek 12.12.2022 Confirmed purchase Translated review
The printer came partially assembled. I also bought the white Prusa filament right away. After starting up immediately, the Mini+ printed very well. A very good booklet included - instructions for assembling the printer and 3D printing. Good support on the Prusy website and I recommend the Prusa course "3D printing and modeling for beginners (MINI+)" online with the possibility of getting an online certificate after passing all the "quizzes". My equipment prints ok from models downloaded from the ".stl" network, but you need to choose the g-code generation parameters in PrusaSlicer, i.e. temperatures, brims, rafts, item scaling, etc. I recommend Prusa Mini+. This is my first 3D printer and I'm happy with it. I also installed the Wifi module so as not to move the flash drive with models for printing between the PC and the printer every now and then.
Łukasz B. 05.07.2022 Confirmed purchase Translated review
Very easy to repair. I would redesign the filament feeding / ejecting mechanism because after about 28 hours of work I had to disassemble and clean it. During this time, I also had 3 unsuccessful discharge attempts. Print quality and work culture 5. I recommend it with a clear conscience.
Maciej K. 22.04.2022 Confirmed purchase Translated review
Switching from the CR10 to the Pruse Mini was very pleasant. After taking it out of the box and folding, the only thing is stretching the tapes and the prints immediately look much better than on the CR. Additionally, mesh bed leveling = incredible comfort. It has been working for me for almost a week, non-stop. As they write in the reviews - a workhorse.
Piotr Ś. 07.03.2022 Confirmed purchase Translated review
The print quality is excellent, the folding instruction is a bit complicated, but after reading it carefully, it is simple. Very good solution with mapping the print area.
Joanna M. 30.01.2022 Confirmed purchase Translated review
I received the package very quickly. The printer is partially assembled. Just screw the three main components together and connect them to the motherboard. It needs little space on the countertop and the working area is 18x18x18cm. After a short calibration (the software guides you "step by step" through the entire process), I obtained very good quality prints. I was pleasantly surprised. It is worth ordering the original filament (in my case it was PLA material), for which the PrusaSlicer software has selected optimal printing parameters.
Paweł K. 29.01.2022 Confirmed purchase Translated review
The first printer was the ANET A6. For this I added a larger format: TRONXY X5SA PRO. After unpacking and starting the Prusak Mini + (four pieces in particular as part of a faremma), I know that I can confidently recommend it for beginner printers. Prusa has a nice business model, and a competitive advantage is gained, among others, by own Slicer (PrusaSlicer), which eliminates the problem of "marrying" the hardware with the soft. Only change filaments and print !!!
Adam F. 08.12.2021 Confirmed purchase Translated review
My first printer and first steps in 3D printing. I think it's a good choice because for now I'm focusing on learning to print and design and I don't have to fight with the equipment :-)
Dominik W. 09.10.2021 Confirmed purchase Translated review
Folding was relatively easy, it didn't take more than a few hours from unpacking to the first successful print. After a week of use, no problems. The operation is intuitive, the slicer does its job well.
Emilia I. 28.07.2021 Confirmed purchase Translated review
The printer is a revelation, both the equipment itself and the quality of the prints. I use it for my own purposes, it is enough. I will recommend the product to everyone, especially those who care about precision and quality.
Bartek K. 16.05.2021 Confirmed purchase Translated review
Great, I just did not expect such an assembly (the product comes in 3 parts). Besides, a great tool!
Michał T. 20.02.2021 Confirmed purchase Translated review
Everything is good, I recommend.
Robert 22.05.2023 Confirmed purchase
Stanisław 31.03.2023 Confirmed purchase
Jarosław 28.12.2022 Confirmed purchase
Anna 12.10.2022 Confirmed purchase

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