Gravity - BMI160 6DoF IMU - 3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope - DFRobot SEN0250

Index: DFR-19380 EAN: 6959420913381
A 6-axis inertial motion sensor featuring the Bosch BMI160 MEMS chip. The module integrates a 16-bit 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope. It is used to measure linear acceleration in the ranges ± 2 g / ± 4 g / ± 8 g / ± 16 g and angular velocity in the range ± 125 dps / ± 250 dps / ±500dps / ± 1000 dps / ± 2000 dps.
Gravity - BMI160 6DoF IMU - 3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope - DFRobot SEN0250
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Manufacturer: DFRobot
Compatibility: Arduino

Product description: Gravity - BMI160 6DoF IMU - 3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope - DFRobot SEN0250

A 6-axisinertial sensor equipped with the Bosch BMI160 MEMS chip. The module integrates a 16-bit 3-axisaccelerometerand a 3-axisgyroscope. It is used to measure linear acceleration in the ranges± 2 g / ± 4 g / ± 8 g / ± 16g and angular velocity in the range± 125 dps / ± 250 dps / ±500dps / ± 1000 dps / ± 2000 dps. It is characterized bylow power consumptionandhighreadingaccuracy. It is used as an additional element for smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. It can be used to count steps, as a recorder during running and other exercises. It has a built-in LDO power management circuit, works with a voltage rangefrom 3.2 V to 6 V. It usesI2Cbus to communicate with the controller module.

6-osiowy czujnik ruchu IMU od DFRobot.

6-axis motion sensor IMU from DFRobot.

Product is compatible with Arduino

The manufacturer has prepared a detaileduser guidethat makes it significantly easier to start working with the module. It contains instructions for connecting the module to the controller,libraryfor Arduino IDE environment and sample program code.

W skład zestawu wchodzi także przewód połączeniowy oraz listwa goldpin.

The kit also includes connection cable and goldpin strip.

Special features

  • 6-axis motion sensor equipped with Bosch BMI160 MEMS chip, which is a combination of 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope
  • Low power consumption with high measurement precision
  • Built-in LDO for power management
  • Compatible with 3.3 V and 5 V controllers
  • Use for step counting, acceleration detection and angle of inclination applications

Kit contents

  • Gravity - BMI160 6-axis IMU sensor from DFRobot
  • I2C / UART connection cable with Gravity connector
  • 1x4 goldpin strip - 2.54 m pitch

Pinout and connection diagram

The sensor module can be connected to the controller in two ways: using theGravityconnector or solder fields. The kit includesmounting and connection componentsfor each option. Connect the components according to the following relationships:

  • VCC ("+") - supply power to the circuit in the range from 3.2 V to 6 V
  • GND ("-") - system ground
  • SCL (C) - I2C interface clock line
  • SDA (D) - I2C interface data line
  • INT1 - configurable interrupt 1 output
  • INT2 - configurable interrupt 2 output
  • SDO - I2C interface address selection
    • GND - 0x68
    • VCC - 0x69 (default)
Schemat połączenia modułu z płytką  DFRduino, będącej odpowiednikiem Arduino.

Connection diagram of the module withDFRduinoboard, which is an Arduino equivalent. The board is not included in set, it can be purchased separately in our shop.

Moduł wyposażony w układ BMI160.

Module is equipped with BMI160 chip.

Technical specification of the sensor

  • Type: 6-axis motion sensor IMU
    • 3-axis accelerometer
    • 3-axis gyroscope
  • Integrated circuit: MEMS Bosch BMI160
  • Operating voltage range: 3.2 V to 6 V
  • Current consumption: < 1 mA
  • Communication interface: I2C
  • Connector: Gravity
  • Accelerometer measuring range: ± 2 g / ± 4 g / ± 8 g / ± 16 g
  • Accelerometer Zero-g Offset: ± 40 mg
  • Gyroscope Measuring Range: ± 125 dps / ± 250 dps / ±500 dps / ± 1000 dps / ± 2000 dps
  • Zero-g Gyro Offset: ± 10 dps
  • Frequency range: 25 Hz to 1600 Hz
  • Data Output: 16-bit
  • Shock Resistance: 1000 g x 200 us
  • FIFO: built-in, 1024 bytes
  • Operating temperature range: -40°C to 85°C
  • Module dimensions: 22 x 27 mm
Voltage to 3.2 V
Voltage from 6.0 V
Interface I2C
Sensor - type accelerometer
Sensor - type gyroscope
Package width 5.6 cm
Package height 6.2 cm
Package depth 2.5 cm
Package weight 0.013 kg

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Gravity - BMI160 6DoF IMU - 3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope - DFRobot SEN0250


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