Product description: LoRa-E5 STM32WLE5JC - 868/915 MHz LoRaWAN module - embedded ARM Cortex-M4 and SX126x - Seeedstudio 317990687
LoRa-E5 is a compactcommunicationmodule inLoRaWANstandard, produced bySeeedstudiocompany. It allows long range communication in LoRaWAN standard in868 MHz and 915 MHzband, which makes it suitable for use both in the European Union and North America. Equipped withSTM32WLE5JCchip, it allows to transmit data upto 10 km. The chip is based on ARM Cortex-M4 core and Semtech SX126X LoRa, which supports LoRaWAN protocol, as well as GFSK, BPSK, GMSK and LoRa modulations.
On the manufacturer's website there is aWiki page of the product, which greatly facilitates getting started with the module. It contains, among others, user guide and "quick start" instruction.
What is LoRa?
LoRa or LoRaWAN is a long-range wireless communication protocol, which is characterized by very low power consumption. The LoRa protocol in the LoRa E5 module uses sub-gigahertz free radio frequencies such as 868 MHz (Europe) or 915 MHz (North America).
LoRa-E5 features
- Very low power consumption
- Compact dimensions 12 x 12 x 2.5 mm
- High performance: TXOP=22dBm at 868/915 MHz and sensitivity -136.5dBm for SF12 with 125KHz BW
- Possibility of using on significant distances up to 10 km
Wireless communication: built-in LoRaWAN protocol, AT command control, support for global LoRaWAN frequency plan
Technical specifications LoRa-E5
- Type: radio module
- Processor: 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 CPU, clocked up to 48 MHz
- Flash memory: 256 KB
- SRAM memory: 64 KB
- Protocol: LoRaWAN
- Embedded chip: STM32WLE5JC
- Communication interface:
- 3 x UART
- 1 x I2C
- 1 x ADC (12-bit)
- 1 x SPI
- 6 x GPIO
- Sensitivity: -116.5 dBm to -136 dBm
- Modulation: LoRa, (G)FSK, (G)MSK, BPSK
- Power supply: 1.8 V to 3.6 V
- Dimensions: 12 x 12 mm
Examples of using LoRa technology
- Autonomous Greenhouse Challengeat Wageningen University in the Netherlands
- Smartpoultry farmin Beijing, China
- Smart Musang King Durian Farmingin Pahang, Malaysia
- Sustainable agriculture | Global IoT education initiativein USA, Australia and Congo etc.
- SmartHigh Mountain Tea Plantationin Sichuan, China
- Sweet Melon smart greenhouse and weather stationin Guangxi, China
- Environmental monitoringin Stockholm, Sweden
- Data-driven tourismin Guangdong, China
- Smart greenhouse growing tropical fruits in the northin Shandong, China
- Smart outdoor triticale farmin Hebei, China
LoRa-E5 STM32WLE5JC - 868/915 MHz LoRaWAN module - embedded ARM Cortex-M4 and SX126x - Seeedstudio 317990687.