Shield for Raspberry Pi with breadboard, digital inputs and outputs, capacitive touch pads, colorful LEDs, analog inputs and motor controllers. Perfect for making small robots, games, scientific experiments, exploring the electronic circuits and interaction with the Raspberry.
The subject of the sale is the shield Eplorer HAT Pro, minicomputer Raspberry Pi can be purchased separately.
Key features
- Four cached outputs tolerating 5 V (compatible with Arduino)
- Four outputs powered with the 5 V (up to 500 mA total in all channels)
- Four touch, capacitive pads (signed 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Four crocodile pads (signed 5, 6, 7, 8)
- Four colored LEDs (red, green, blue and yellow)
- Four analog inputs
- Two H-bridge motor drivers (up to 200 mA per channel, controlled by PWM)
- A lot of useful (unsecured) gadgets 3.3 V on GPIO
- The breadboard with 170 fields on the upper part
- Compatible with Raspberry Pi 4B, 3B+, 3B, 2B i Zero i Zero W
- Fully assembled (soldering not required)
Useful links