Product description: Digital tachometer Q-Model 602
Small tachometer equipped with an optical sensor powered by a 9 V battery. It can be successfully used to measure the rotation of two andthree-vanepropellers.The result is determined on the basis of the measurement of color differences betweendaylightand light reflectedby the propeller. Measurementsare not properly made under the light of a fluorescent lamp, measurements obtained under such light may be imprecise. The result should be multiplied by x 100. A safe distance of approx. 15 - 30 cmfrom the rotatingpropellershouldbe maintained duringmeasurements.
Digital tachometer Q-Model 602 with optical sensor.
How to start working with the device
- Place the battery in the device. The battery is included.
- Move the On/Off switch to On.
- Depending on the propeller type, set the switch to the position corresponding to two or three blade propellers.
- Measurements should be taken from a safe distance.
The battery needed to power the unit is included.
The kit includes
- Rotation meter Q-Model 602
- 9 V batteries