Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense - module ABX00031

Index: ARD-14759 EAN: 7630049201507

The Arduino® Nano 33 BLE Sense is a version of the Nano 33 BLE Sense equipped with a number of sensors. It is characterized by higher performance with lower power consumption thanks to the nRF52480 microcontroller operating at up to 64 MHz. The small board is equipped with an accelerometer, thermometer, gyroscope, light intensity sensor, gestures and digital microphone.

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense - module ABX00031
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Manufacturer: Arduino


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Description: Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

The Arduino models in the Nano series are designed to extend the capabilities of small tiles to make their use possible in any project. Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense is equipped with an energy-saving and efficientnRF52480 microcontrollercapable of operating at64 MHz. There is space for 1 MB of flash memory and 256 kB of RAM on board. Additionally, the small board was equipped with a number of sensors, which gives a lot of possibilities. Thanks to this unit, the Nano 33 BLE Sense board isthe most energy-efficientrepresentative of the Nano family, despite its dimensions. It supportsBluetoothcommunicationin 5.0 Low Energy standard.

The board is equipped with a self-mounting leads. In our offer we also have a version withconnectors.

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense.

Capabilities of Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense is equipped with aU-block NINA B306module, managingBluetoothcommunicationin 5.0 LE standard.On board the Nano there is a 9-axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)LSM9DS1communicating via I2C bus, which consists of a 3-axis gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer. Additionally, the small board is equippedwith LPS22HB temperature and pressure sensor,HTS221 humiditysensor,lightintensity, color and gesturesensorADPS-9960. There isalsospace for the MP34DT05 digital microphone. Additionally on board there was also cryptographic system ATECC608A.


Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense can work ONLY with 3.3V by default. Do not supply it directly with 5 V.

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sensesupports only 3.3 Vby default. There is a jumper in place of 5V pin in standard Nano board (between RST and A7 pins) which can be shorted to USB power supply.To supply 5V power to the devices, solder the jumper and power Nano via USB. If the jumper is soldered and no voltage is obtained from the V in pin. This is a protection to protect the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. The board allows debugging programs, which is done with 6 pads on the bottom of the board underneath the communication system.

Wyprowadzenia Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. Visible jumper for 5V power supply via USB.

Pin Designation Type Description
1 D13 Digital GPIO
2 + 3V3 Power output Power supply for external devices
3 AREF Analogue Reference pin, can be used as GPIO
4 A0 / DAC0 Analogue ADC input / DAC output, canbe used as GPIO


Analogue ADC input,canbe used as GPIO
6 A2 Analogue ADC input,canbe used as GPIO
7 A3 Analogue ADC input,canbe used as GPIO
8 A4 / SDA Analogue ADC input, I2C SDA,can beused as GPIO*
9 A5 / SCL Analogue The ADC, I2C SCLinput can beused as GPIO*.
10 A6 Analogue ADC input,canbe used as GPIO
11 A7 Analogue ADC input,canbe used as GPIO
12 V USB I / Wy power supply Normally not connected. Can be shorted to USB power
13 RST Digital input Active reset
14 GND Power supply Mass
15 VIN Power supply Power supply
16 TX Digital USART TX,canbe used like GPIO
17 RX Digital USART RX,canbe used like GPIO
18 RST Digital Active reset
19 GND Power supply Mass
20 D2 Digital GPIO
21 D3 / PWM Digital GPIO,canbe used like GPIO
22 D4 Digital GPIO
23 D5 / PWM Digital GPIO,canbe used like GPIO
24 D6 / PWM Digital GPIO,canbe used like GPIO
25 D7 Digital GPIO
26 D8 Digital GPIO
27 D9 / PWM Digital GPIO,canbe used like GPIO
28 D10 / PWM Digital GPIO,canbe used like GPIO
29 D11 MOSI Digital SPI MOSI,canbe used like GPIO
30 D12 / MISO Digital SPI MISO,canbe used like GPIO

(*) Unlike the standard Arduino Nano, the A4 and A5 pins have a default pull-up, the so-called pull-up and are used as I2C bus, so it is not recommended to use them as analogue inputs.

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense PCB specification

  • Supply voltage: 3.3 V
  • Microcontroller:nRF 52840
    • Clock: 64 MHz
    • Flash memory: 1 MB
    • RAM 256 kB
  • Digital pins: 14
  • PWM pins: 6
  • Analogue pins: 8
  • MicroUSB socket
  • Interfaces: GPIO, SPI, I2C, USART, PWM
  • Transducers: ADC, DAC
  • Dimensions: 45 x 18 mm

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense - the latest version of the classic tile

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense - ABX00031 is a state-of-the-art version of the good Arduino Nano, equipped with a number of built-in sensors and peripheral modules. The device is based on the nRF52480 microcontroller, clocked at 64 MHz and equipped with 1 MB of built-in Flash memory and 256 kB of RAM.

Unlike the classic members of the Arduino family, a number of additional elements have been installed on the board, which greatly increases its application capabilities. The NINA-B306 from the renowned u-blox company allows for radio communication in the latest Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy standard, while the integrated optical sensor APDS-9960 provides the board with distance, colour, illumination and gesture detection functionality.

Additional sensors

The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense has also been equipped with a 9-axis inertial (IMU) sensor type LSM9DS1 containing an accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. In combination with the built-in MEMS barometric sensor type LPS22HB, it allows precise tracking of movement, position and altitude above ground, e.g. in flying models and drones.

A perfect complement to the set of sensors installed on board the miniature Arduino is a capacitive relative humidity and temperature sensor HTS221. There is even a MEMS digital microphone marked MP34DT05-A, also manufactured by ST Microelectronics.

Voltage from 3.3 V
Voltage nominal 3.3 V
Output voltage to 3.3 V
UC - Microcontroller nRF52840
UC - Core Cortex M4
UC - Flash 1 MB
UC - RAM 256 kB
UC - core 1. Single Core
UC - Digital pins 14
UC - analog in 8
UC - freq 64 MHz
UC - USB microUSB
UC - I2C yes
UC - UART yes
UC - Connector 5V microUSB
UC - SPI interface yes
Package width 6 cm
Package height 8.2 cm
Package depth 2.6 cm
Package weight 0.018 kg

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Product reviews

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense - module ABX00031


Average grade


Customers opinion
The following opinions are collected
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an external partner Trustmate
and come from the post-purchase process.
Karol K. 18.10.2021 Confirmed purchase Translated review
Works as nature intended
Bartosz M. 27.06.2021 Confirmed purchase Translated review
The product is currently being used for the "Introduction to Embedded Machine Learning" course on Coursera. Thanks to its computational capabilities and the variety of sensors that Arduino has been equipped with (as well as the support of deep learning frameworks and cloud services), it is perfect for machine learning projects for embedded systems

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