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Description: DFRduino Mega1280 compatible with Arduino Mega - DFR0003
DFRduino Mega1280 isfully compatible with known Arduino Mega moduleand canbeprogrammed through Arduino IDE environmentusingavailable libraries.All overlays (Arduino Shield) will be compatiblewith DFRobot module.
DFRduino Mega1280 board.
The board contains microcontroller type ATmega1280.The system is equipped with 16 analog inputs/outputs,54 digitalinput/outputpins,14of which providePWMinput (used, among others, for motor control) and 4 UART (hardware serial ports). It has a16 MHzclock signal timingand128kBFlash memory.In addition, it has an ISCP connector and leads for connecting the AVR programmer,USB power type B socket and RESET button.
DFRobot has used colorful connectors, which make the identification of the leads more efficient:
- red- powerpins,
- blue- analogpins,
- black -digitalpins,
- green- PWM and communication pins.
FreeArduino IDE environmentensures easy creation and installation of software. The bootloader included in the board allows you to transfer the program directly viaUSB cable. Using ICSP connector allows to connect external AVG programmer.
In order to run DFRduino, you have to connect the circuit with your computer using USB cable and selectArduinoMegaboardin ArduinoIDEenvironment. |
DFRduino Mega1280 specification
- Working voltage: 5 V
- Input voltage: 3 V to 16 V (max. 20 V)
- Microcontroller: ATmega1280
- Fully compatible with ArduinoMega
- Connector: USB B socket(USB cablesold separately)
- Power supply: AC/DC 5.5 / 2.1 or 2.5 mm
- I/O ports:54
- PWM entrances: 14
- Analogue I/O ports: 16
- UART: 4
- Flash memory: 128 kB
- SRAM: 8 kB
- EEPROM memory: 4 kB
- Clock frequency: 16 MHz
- Soldering ICSP connector
- Dimensions: 108 x54 mm