Set for creating differentrobot designssuch as humanoid, animal, dinosaur, spider, scorpio and many more, using easy to connect modules. The brain of the robot driver is a CM-530processor -ARM Cortex M3 32-bitwith512 KBof flash memory. It is equipped with6 buttonsuser programmable andstatus LEDs.
The robot is programable inRoboPlus graphical environment based onthe C language. It allows you to programa sequence of movements, thanks to the visualizationof the servoson the screen anddetermine the reaction to signalsfrom the sensors. For communication with a computer you can use the supplied serial cable converter USB or wireless module ZigBee.
Bioloid hasa very unique and accurateservos AX-12 Dynamixel. They can position and control the speed and torque with a precision of1024 steps. Each was equipped with atemperature sensorandstatus LEDs. They can be used asmotors,wheels or elements of a design inthe range of 300°.
Key features
- Modern and extended version of Bioloid
- Modular elements
- Microcontroller with great features
- Accurate servos Dynamixel
- Additional sensors
- Elements easy to connect
- Finished humanoid projects and many other robots
Set includes:
The main driver for CM-530
- 18x servo Dynamixel AX-12A
- 1x gyro sensor
- 2x IR sensor
- 1x IR receiver
- 1x distance sensor DMS
- IR remote control RC-100
- Charger
- Battery 11.1 V / 1000 mAh
- A kit of mounting parts
- The serial cable for communication with computer
- Converter USB
- The user manual
- CD-ROM with software RoboPlus
- Screwdriver and the handle on the wire