Light sensors and color for the Grove system based on fotodiodach or fotorezystorach represent a universal solution for applications in which the key is the detection of light and its intensity. The small size of the modules, easy to run, compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, as well as the ability to work with other modules, external to embedded systems, are the main advantages of a light sensor Grove. Check out our offer of the sensors of light and color, prepared with the needs of Your projects!
How do the light sensors?
Element input, light sensors, often fotorezystor element whose resistance varies with intensity of light falling on its surface. Maximum resistance fotorezystora is a result of the blackouts of the environment of the sensor. Fotorezystory find application in systems of automation control of lighting, as sensors zmierzchowe - when the lighting in the area of the sensor will be weak, then the control system detects an over-voltage threshold circuit with fotorezystorem that the result will be the power for lighting. The measurement light, very well implemented sensors based on photodiodes. When a beam of light is directed toward the photodiode, the free electrons present in the structure of the connectors, the photodiodes will be amazed at the orderly movement or flow of electric current, which power will increase along with the intensity of light received fotodiodฤ. In the basis of mechanism of action of photodiode work, in particular, solar panels.