Distance sensor - wide-angle 3-channel + connectors - OPT3101 - Pololu 3680

Index: PLL-19101 EAN: 5904422366056
A wide-angle distance sensor from Pololu, featuring the OPT3101 chip from Texas Instruments. It detects the presence of objects within a radius of up to 1 m and measures their distance in three zones TX0, TX1 and TX2, which in combination allow a FOV of about 180°. It uses the I2C bus to communicate with other modules. The module is also equipped with a 7-pin mounting connector to connect it to the TI-RSLK MAX platform. It operates with a voltage range of 2.7 V to 5.5 V.
Distance sensor - wide-angle 3-channel + connectors - OPT3101 - Pololu 3680
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Manufacturer: Pololu

Product description: Wide angle distance sensor 3 channel + connectors - OPT3101 - Pololu 3680

Wideangledistance sensorfrom Pololu, featuring theOPT3101chip from Texas Instruments. Detects thepresence of objectswithin a radius ofup to 1 mand measures their distance in three zones TX0, TX1 and TX2, which in combination allow aFOV of about 180°. It uses theI2Cbus to communicate with othermodules. It is also equipped with a 7-pin mounting connector to connect it to the TI-RSLK MAX platform. It works with a voltage rangefrom 2.7 V to 5.5 V.

Arduino compatible product
A detailed user guide andlibraryfor Arduino environment is available for download on GitHub on themanufacturer's website.

Czujnik odległości wyprodukowany przez firmę Pololu.

Distance sensor manufactured by Pololu.

Moduł wykrywa obiekty w trzech zakresach.

The module detects objects in three zones.

Distance measurement in three zones

Sensor performs measurement inthree channelsTX0, TX1 and TX2. Their combination enables detection with a viewing angle ofapproximately 180°. Under favorable conditions, it can detect objectsup to 1 maway. The module emitsinfrared lightthanks to built-in LEDs. The returned value is thetime delay of the reflected signal, from which the distance of the object is calculated.

Pinout description

  • GND - system ground
  • VIN - power supply in the range from 2.7 V to 5.5 V
  • SDA - data line of I2C communication interface
  • SCL - clock line of I2C communication interface
  • GP1 - configurable 3.3 V I/O pin
  • GP2 - configurable 3.3 V I/O pin
  • RST - RESET pin

Technical specification of the distance sensor

  • Measuring technology: Infrared light emission
  • Operating voltage range: 2.5 V to 5.5 V
  • Current consumption: 130 mA at 3.3 V
  • Measurement range: up to 1 m
  • Number of measurement channels: 3
  • Communication interface: I2C
  • Viewing angle (FOV): approx. 180°
  • Module dimensions: 27.9 x 30.5 mm
  • Weight: about 3 g
Czujnik zasilany napięciem w zakresie od 2,5 V do 5,5 V.

Sensor can be powered from 2.5V to 5.5V.

W skład zestawu wchodzą niezbędne elementy montażowe oraz gniazdo goldpin.

The set includes necessary mounting elements and a goldpin socket.

Set contents

  • Sensor module
  • 1x7 pin goldpin socket
  • Mounting elements:
    • screws - 2 pcs.
    • washers - 2 pcs.

In our shop you can also find otherdistance sensors. We invite you to familiarize with the offer.

Sensor - type distance
Sensor - distance to 100 cm
Package width 8 cm
Package height 1.1 cm
Package depth 11 cm
Package weight 0.006 kg

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Distance sensor - wide-angle 3-channel + connectors - OPT3101 - Pololu 3680


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