Product description: DFRobot DFR0580 Solar Power Manager - solar power management module for 12V lead acid batteries
Module designed forrenewable energy and IoTprojects. It provides safe and efficient solar power management for12 V lead-acidbatteries. In addition to charging the battery, the board has two leads with12 V and 5 V screw connectorsandtwo 5 V USB sockets. It hasMPPT(Maximum Power Point Tracking) function, which is thestudy of the maximum power pointof thepanel, thanks to whichcharging batteries runs about 20-30% faster.This function is ideal for the climatic conditions prevailing in our country. The module is also equipped with a number of protections such as against battery overcharging. It works with solar panels with voltagesfrom 15 to 25 Vand the maximum for12 V is 4 A, while at5 V it is 5 A (8 A temporary). A5.5 x 2.1 mm DC socket with quick-connectcoupling anda set of heatsinksare included, butan additional fanis recommended for prolonged high load.

The board can also serve as abuffer power supply (UPS) for a minicomputer such asRaspberry PiorArduino. Permanent power supply can be connected to the board, in case of power failure it will automatically switch to battery and after power supply is restored it will charge the battery again.

The module works as a UPSfor Raspberry Pi.
Example applications of Solar Power Manager
- Lighting
- Monitoring station
- Solar charger

Technical specifications of the solar power management module
- Control chip: CN3767
- Solar panel voltage (SOLAR IN): from 15 V to 25 V
- Battery voltage (BAT IN): 12 V lead acid battery
- Charging voltage: four-stage up to 4 A
- Sustaining voltage: 13,55 V
- Fixed charge voltage: 14,8 V
- Deep discharge protection limit: 10,8 V
- Outputs:
- OUT1 5 V 5 A
- OUT2 12 V 8 A
- USB1 5 V 2.5 A
- USB2 5 V 2.5 A
- Average efficiency:
- SOLAR IN (for 18 V panel): 94 %
- 90 % for a 10 % load
- 93 % for 50 % load
- 92 % for 90 % load
- OUT2:
- 99 % for a 10 % load
- 98% for load 50%
- 97% for 90 % load
- Module current consumption: <4 ma="" li="">
- Protections:
- SOLAR IN: against reverse current/reverse connection
- BAT IN: against deep discharge/overcharge/reverse connection
- OUT1-2/USB1-2: short circuit/overvoltage/overheating
- Working temperature: from -40 ℃ to 85 ℃
- Dimensions: 68 x 68 mm