TB67S279FTG - stepper motor driver 47V/1,6A - Pololu 3096

Index: PLL-13426 EAN: 5904422320638

Stepper motor driver based on TB67S279FTGchip . Powered by a voltage range of 10 - 47 V, with a maximum current consumption of 4.5 A per coil. Maximum resolution: 1 / 32 steps. Thanks to the TB67S279FTG driver, the chip can dissipate more heat, which allows 1,6 A current flow without a heatsink.

TB67S279FTG - stepper motor driver 47V/1,6A - Pololu 3096
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TB67S279FTG - current:
Manufacturer: Pololu
Compatibility: Arduino Raspberry Pi

Product description: TB67S249FTG - 47 V / 1,6 A stepper motor driver - Pololu 3096

The circuit allows to control a stepper motor with a device that allows to generate logic states, e.g.Arduino,STM32Discovoery,Raspberry Pior anymicrocontroller. Pololu module is characterized by very simple operation. Rising edge of each impulse on CLK (STEP) pin corresponds to one step. Selection of the direction is performed by giving the appropriate state to the CW/CCW (DIR) pin (e.g. low state - clockwise rotation, high state - anticlockwise rotation). The controller also has the ability to select theresolution ofmotor operation.

TB67S249FTG - sterownik silnika krokowego 47 V / 1,6 A - Pololu 3096

TB67S249FTG - 47V / 1,6A stepper motor driver - Pololu 3096.

The module has no goldpin soldered in.

We also offer aversion with soldered connectors.

Minimum wiring diagram to connect microcontroller to TB67S2x9FTG.

The controller requires a supply voltage from 10 V to 47 V, which will be connected to VIN and GND pins.

Connecting the TB67S249FTG controller

To control a bipolar stepper motor, connect the system according to the drawing below.

Power supply for the TB67S249FTG controller

To supply the logic part of the module a voltage of 5 V is required.VDD PIN. Motor supply voltage from 10 V to 47 V is applied to pinVIN PIN.


Connecting and disconnecting the motor while the controller is on can damage the system.

TB67S249FTG controller specifications

  • Motor supply voltage: 10 V to 47 V
  • Current: continuous 1.6 A per coil (momentary up to 4.5 A)
  • Supply voltage of logic part: from 2 V to 5.5 V
  • Operation in 4 different modes: full step, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 or 1/32
  • Current limitation by potentiometer
  • Protection against overheating of the circuit
  • Module dimensions: 20 x 15 mm
Pololu TB67S249FTG

TB67S249FTG dimensions.

Resolution of the TB67S249FTG controller

Step size is selected using DMODE0, DMODE1, DMODE2 inputs. The possible settings are shown in the table below. The MS1, MS2 and MS3 inputs have an internal pull-down resistor (100kΩ).

MS1 MS2 MS3 Resolution
low low low Standby mode
low low high Full step
low high low Non-wheeling half step ('a')
low high high 1/4 step
high low low circular half step ("b")
high low high 1/8 step
high high low 1/16 step
high high high 1/32nd step

Control of TB67S249FTG controller

The rising edge of each pulse on the CLK pin (STEP) corresponds to one step. Selection of the direction is done by giving the appropriate state to the CW/CCW (DIR) pin (e.g. low state - clockwise rotation, high state - anticlockwise rotation). If the motor is to rotate in one direction only, the DIR pin can be left unplugged.

When the RESET pin goes high, the driver resets its state in the translator array, which outputs to the initial value of 45°. This corresponds to 100% of the current limit on both coils in full step and non-wheel half step modes. The RESET pin does not disable the motor outputs, the controller will continue to supply current to the motor but will not give information to the CLK output.

The TB67S2x9FTG can detect several error conditions that report causing one or both LO pins to be low. The manufacturer has includeda table of error combinations on the LO1 and LO2 pinsin thedocumentation.

A detailed description of each pin can be found on themanufacturer's website.

Package width 8 cm
Package height 0.4 cm
Package depth 8.5 cm
Package weight 0.004 kg

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