Analog distance sensors In the structures of different types of vehicles, drones and robots, a very useful feature is the ability to detect obstacles on the route, or track way. The ideal solution in such systems would be analog distance sensors with analog output. Botland has prepared for You an offer in which you'll find analog distance sensors in different ranges. Please check out our offer today!
Analog distance sensors
Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F - analog distance sensor 10-80cm
Analog distance sensor Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F (distance meter) detecting the objects within the range from 10 to 80 cm.Sharp GP2D120XJ00F - analog distance sensor 4-30cm
Analog distance sensor (rangefinder) Sharp GP2Y0A41SK0F to detect objects in the range from 4 to 30 cm.Proximity sensor HSDL-9100-021 60mm
Miniature proximity sensor from Avago Technologies to detect objects at a distance from 0 to 60 mm.Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F - Analog distance sensor 20-150 cm
Analog distance sensor (rangefinder) Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F to detect objects in the range from 20 to 150 cm.Sharp GP2Y0A51SK0F - analog distance sensor 2-15cm - Pololu 2450
Analog distance sensor (rangefinder) Sharp GP2Y0A41SK0F to detect objects in the range of 2 to 15 cm.Reflectance sensor QTR-L-1RC - digital (2 pcs) - Pololu 2455
Module with reflective sensor basing on the transmitting LED and phototransistor operating in the infrared range. The sensor is powered with the 5V voltage. The output is the...Distance sensor, reflective 3,3V/5V - 30mm - Waveshare 9523
The reflective module with IR sensor equipped with digital and analog output. It works with a voltage from 3 V to 5.3 V. It enbales the detection of obstacles in the range from...Reflectance sensorQTR-L-1A - analog (2 pcs) - Pololu 2454
Module with reflective sensor basing on the transmitting LED and phototransistor operating in the infrared range. The sensor is powered with the 5V voltage. The output is an...See also
Analog distance sensors
Sensors odbiciowe
Sensors odbiciowe also called it reflective photoelectric sensorsin which the light beam is directed through the sensor is reflected from within a certain distance (depends on specific sensor) with led floodlight. Interruption of this beam of light through the object causes a change in the output signal of the sensor. The spotlight of such a sensor may be a passive element - a mirror (mirror) or an active receiver. Often nadawczym element is an led, the receiver and fototranzystor. Noteworthy are the miniature sensors analog distance with analog output series Pololu QTR-L-1A operating in the infrared range. The sensor consists of a transmitter and receiver with a size of 7.6 x 8.9 x 3.1 mm and weighing only 0.2 g. With analog output, depending on the distance between transmitter and receiver, as well as color, obstacles, located between them, generates at its output the voltage value. The sensor is ideally suited in systems in vehicles and robots, which require the ability to track the path as a motion path.
Contactless sensors
Analog distance sensors with analog output, in which the sensor responds to the change of the input signal when approaching an obstacle, the sensors are non-contact. Be for You great solution in case when you want Your robot or other vehicle has been detected an object in its path and could determine its distance in relation to it. Botland offers analog distance sensor Sharp series GP2Y that operate in bands from 2 to 15 cm, to in the range of 100 to 550 cm! If you need exact measurement, select the sensor series HSDL, which detects obstacles at a distance of 0 to 60 mm.