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- Microcontroller STM32L152RBT6:
- 128 kB Flash
- 16kB RAM
- LQFP64 enclosure
- Debugger ST-Link/V2 placed on the board with the possibility of working as a separate device with SWD output
- USB or external 5V or 3.3V power supply
- Voltage outputs 5V and 3.3V
- LCD 24 segments
- Diodes led:
- LD1 red/green - USB communication
- LD2 red indicating correct 3.3V supply
- LD3 green - for the user
- LD4 blue - for the user
- Two buttons - reset and for the user
- Touch button
Detailed description and sample programs can be found on the manufacturer's website: link .
To program the chip, you only needa miniUSB cable andprogramming environment, e.g. free CooCox. The chip can be installed with a contact board andconnectioncables.