RS-485 Shield is a cost-effective solution for serial communication networks. It can be used at data rates of 10 Mbit/s or up to 1200 m at lower speeds. RS-485 Shield is a standard overlay for Raspberry Pi. It is integrated with a simple screw terminal and DB9 interface.

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  • One controller and one receiver per part
  • EMI noise minimization
  • Transmission speed up to 2.5 Mb / s
  • No limitation on the driver's rate of rise
  • Limited short-circuit current
  • Fail-safe applications


Operating voltage 3,3 V
Interface RS-485 DB9 InterfaceX1
RS-485Screw interfaceX1
2×13 Female connector for Raspberry X1
2×13 Additional female connector X1
Data rate 2.5 Mbps
Number of receivers 32

Temperature range


from -65°C to 160℃
Number of channels 8
Resolution 12-bit
Energy consumption Different depending on transmission speed
Dimensions 62 x 39,2 x 21,8 mm
Weight 23 g
Packaging dimensions 140 x 75 x 25 mm
Gross weight 42 g

Typical applications

  • RS-485 transmitters-receivers with low power consumption
  • Level converters
  • Transmitter-receivers for industrial applications in networks sensitive to electromagnetic interference
  • Semi-duplex applications

Equipment overview

Exit timetable

RS-485 DB9 Interface and RS-485 Screw interface

The 485 interface uses differential signal transmission. Make sure port A is connected to port A of the 485 device and port B to port B of the 485 device.

485-A: Connect the A-end of the RS485 data cable to pin A of the MAX485 chip.
485-B: End B of the RS485 data cable, connect to pin B of the MAX485 chip.
GND: Connect to GND Raspberry Pi.

As you can see, GPIO14 and GPIO15 are used for data transmission and GPIO18 as permission signal.

The definition of logical signals can be found in the table below.

Female connector for Raspberry

We use a female 2X13 connector to connect this module to Raspberry Pi. Make sure that the pins are aligned.

Additional female connector

The RS-485 Shield takes up 26 Raspberry Pi pins, and only 5 GPIO pins are actually used. We bring out these 26 pins in case you need them for other purposes.

List of used GPIOs

GPIO numberFunction
GPIO02 SDA for Grove port I2C.
GPIO03 SCL forGrove I2Cport.
GPIO14 Connect to the pinDIa Max485 chip for data transmission.
GPIO15 Connect to the pinROa Max485 chip fordata transmission.
GPIO18 Connect to the pinsREiDEof the Max485 chip, acts as a permission signal.

Port Grove I2C

We have reserved the I2C interface so it can be easily used with I2C devices. Note that the VCC of this port is 5V. Please check if the module operates with 5V.

SCL: I2C serial clock, connect to GPIO03 Raspberry Pi.
SDA: I2C serial data, connect to GPIO02 Raspberry Pi.
VCC: Connect to 5V Raspberry Pi pin.
GND: Plug into the GND pin of Raspberry Pi.

Chip Max485

For this overlay the MAX485ESA chip was used. For more information about this chip, see theMAX485 data sheet.

How to get started


Required materials

Raspberry PiRS-485 Shield for Raspberry Pi
    • Step 1: Connect RS-485 Shield to Raspberry Pi.

    • Step 2. connect 485-A tocable A 485, connect 485-B to cable B 485.


    If the cable is busy, communication is not possible.

    • Step 3: Connect the power supply to the Raspberry Pi with the microUSB cable.


    Communication test code

    You can create a new Python file and copy the following code to the new file or you can download the source file in the resource download area. Then run it in your terminal.

    Send code.

    1. #!/usr/bin/env python
    3. import time
    4. serial import
    5. wasp imports
    8. send_str = "*******rs4858888--rn"
    10. os.system("echo 18 > /sys/class/gpio/export")
    11. os.system('echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio18/direction')
    12. ser = serial.Serial(port='/dev/ttyAMA0',baudrate =10000000,bytesize=8,stopbits=1,timeout=1)
    15. last_time = time.time()
    17. now_time = time.time()
    18. os.system('echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio18/value')
    19. time.sleep(0.01)
    20. n = 800
    21. while n>0:
    22. ser.write(send_str)
    23. n=n-1
    24. # time.sleep(0.001)
    25. os.system('echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio18/value')

    Pickup code

    1. #!/usr/bin/env python
    3. import time
    4. serial import
    5. wasp imports
    9. send_str = "********abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz&"
    12. os.system("echo 18 > /sys/class/gpio/export")
    13. os.system('echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio18/direction')
    15. ser = serial.Serial(port='/dev/ttyAMA0',baudrate =115200,bytesize=8,stopbits=1,timeout=1)
    17. last_time = time.time()
    18. while 1:
    19. now_time = time.time()
    20. if((now_time-last_time)>=1):
    21. last_time = now_time
    22. # print "172 sending"
    23. os.system('echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio18/value')
    24. time.sleep(0.01)
    25. ser.write(send_str)
    26. time.sleep(0.01)
    27. os.system('echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio18/value')
    28. os.system('echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio18/value')
    29. time.sleep(0.01)
    30. count = ser.inWaiting()
    31. if(count != 0):
    32. x=ser.readline()
    33. if "********" in x:
    34. # print "str length is. " + str(count)
    35. print x

    To test the code above, you need two overlays and two Raspberry Pi or you can use a serial tool on your computer to communicate with your Raspberry Pi. - shop for makers!