Necessary cookies - these are absolutely necessary for the website or functionality you wish to use to function properly, as without them we would not be able to provide many of the services we offer. Some of them also ensure the security of the services we provide electronically.

Name Domain Expiration Type Cookie type Description
__cf_bm 30 minutes Strictly necessary Third-party This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website.
LaVisitorId_Ym90bGFuZC5sYWRlc2suY29tLw Session Strictly necessary First-party This cookie is used to recognize the visitor.
PrestaShop-[abcdef0123456789]{32} 1 month Strictly necessary First-party This cookie is required for the operation of the store based on the PrestaShop engine.
CookieScriptConsent 3 months Strictly necessary First-party This cookie is used by service to remember visitor cookie consent preferences. It is necessary for cookie banner to work properly.
external_id 2 seconds Strictly necessary First-party This cookie is used to integrate the store's shopping services.
isListDisplay Session Strictly necessary First-party This cookie is used to store the user's preferences for how products are displayed.
receive-cookie-deprecation Session Strictly necessary Third-party This cookie is used to signal to the website owner about the deprecation of cookies being received by the system, ensuring compliance and adaptability with evolving web standards and privacy legislation.
_lb 1 year Strictly necessary First-party This cookie is used for load balancing purposes to ensure that web page requests are directed to the same server in any browsing session, enhancing the website's performance and user experience.
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA 6 months Strictly necessary Third-party This cookie is used to store the user's consent and privacy choices for their interaction with the site. It records data on the visitor's consent regarding various privacy policies and settings, ensuring that their preferences are honored in future sessions.
_lb_ccc 1 year Strictly necessary First-party This cookie is used to store the user's consent to the use of cookies on the website, ensuring compliance with legal requirements to obtain consent for certain categories of cookies.
pageview_event_id 2 seconds Strictly necessary First-party This cookie is used to track page views and user interactions on the site to improve the performance and functionality of the website.

Cookies to improve store performance - collect information about how visitors use the site, e.g. analytical cookies. These cookies cannot be used to directly identify a specific user.

Name Domain Expiration Type Cookie type Description
_ga 1 year 1 month Performance First-party This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports.
gtag_loaded 29 days 23 hours Performance First-party This cookie is used to monitor whether the analysis scripts have been loaded correctly.
_ga_DEK5JEX7HL 1 year 1 month Performance First-party This cookie is used by Google Analytics to persist session state.
_gat 60 seconds Performance First-party This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics, according to documentation it is used to throttle the request rate - limiting the collection of data on high traffic sites.
_gid 1 day Performance First-party This cookie is set by Google Analytics. It stores and update a unique value for each page visited and is used to count and track pageviews.

Targeting cookies - These are used to identify visitors across websites, e.g. content partners, advertising networks. These cookies can be used by companies to create profiles of your interests or show you relevant adverts on other websites.

Name Domain Expiration Type Cookie type Description
IDE 1 year Targeting Third-party This cookie is set by Doubleclick and carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
_gcl_au 3 months Targeting First-party Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services
YSC Session Targeting Third-party This cookie is set by YouTube to track views of embedded videos.
_fbp 2 months 29 days Targeting First-party Used by Meta to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers
LaVisitorNew 1 day Targeting First-party This cookie is used to store data about the application and the user in a way to enable the best functionality the application possible.
lbx_consent_cookie 3 months Targeting First-party This cookie is used to accurately suggest products that the user may be interested in.
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE 6 months Targeting Third-party This cookie is set by Youtube to keep track of user preferences for Youtube videos embedded in sites;it can also determine whether the website visitor is using the new or old version of the Youtube interface.
fb_pixel_loaded 29 days 23 hours Targeting First-party This cookie is set by Facebook to verify that all necessary tracking mechanisms are active and functioning properly.
fb_pixel_viewcategory_event_id 6 seconds Targeting First-party This cookie is used to track user behavior and interaction with the category view event on the website for advertising and analytics purposes, making it easier to provide targeted advertisements and insights based on user preferences and site interactions.
LaSID Session Targeting First-party This cookie is used for sales tracking across Google Analytics and anonymized user session information.

Functional cookies - are used to save the settings of users visiting the website, e.g. language, time zone, content layout.

Name Domain Expiration Type Cookie type Description
_cfuvid Session Functionality Third-party This cookie is used for purposes of tracking users across sessions to optimize user experience by maintaining session consistency and providing personalized services.
wp-wpml_current_language Session Functionality First-party Stores the current language. By default, this cookie is set only for logged-in users. If you enable the language cookie to support AJAX filtering, this cookie will also be set for users who are not logged in.

Local/browser session storage - These are used to store larger files than standard cookies. Using local/browser session storage allows for more permanent storage of information on the user's device and faster reading.

Name Kind Type Description
elementor session Strictly necessary This cookie is used to store activities performed on the website for statistical purposes.
smforms local Targeting This cookie is used to collect data about the user's navigation and activity on the website, including name and contact details entered into forms.
lastExternalReferrerTime local Strictly necessary This cookie is used to detect how a user reached a website by recording the last URL.
lastExternalReferrer local Strictly necessary This cookie is used to detect how a user reached a website by recording the last URL.
luigis.env.v2.159265-192842 session Strictly necessary This cookie is used to implement the search engine running on the website.
lbx_ac_easystorage session Strictly necessary This cookie is used to store data about short-term user interactions with the autofill widget in order to improve the quality of the service offered.
elementor local Strictly necessary This cookie is used to store activities performed on the website for statistical purposes. - shop for makers!