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Environment created specifically for LEGO Mindstorms is a simplified version of C++, one of the most popular programming languages. Key features of the environment listed below.
- The system has a built-in debugger, which easily finds errors in the program.
- Works with sensors from other manufacturers, except for products Lego, the software allows you to control sensors of other brands.
- Built-in Help function facilitates use of the system. both users and teachers.
- The system has templates, examples of codes, which users can follow, creating their own software.
- Softwarecompatible backwards, which means that it supports older versions of RCX and NXT
- The text editor is able to predict the commands entered by the user, which accelerates the process of creating their own programs.
- The environment allows you to perform mathematical functions, including statistical and trigonometrical.
To test the RobotC you can download a 30 day demo version fromthe manufacturer's website.
In our offer there is also a license for schools to use the software on multiple positions.