The executive module with the MOSFET transistor with the N channel to control the devices with higher current consumption than allowed by the control system, for example, a microcontroller. The used IRF520 offers the supply voltage from 0 to 24V with current consumption of up to 5 A (above 1 A heatsink is required)
Programmable control boards often have limitations associated with the voltage and maximum operating current. It leads to impossibility of the direct connection of the devices with higher power consumption, for example, when we want to connect the LED strap powered with the voltage of +12 V of the pins tothe Arduino, we can't do it directly because of limitations of the voltage and current operation of the microcontroller. In this case, the executive systems with the power of transistor are used to control.
The product is compatible with Arduino In the web, you can find sampleprograms for the Arduino. |
The module has 7 pins:
- Goldpin connectors
- SIG: control signal
- VCC: not connected
- GND: ground
- ARK connectors :
- VIN: external power source from 0 V to 24 V
- GND: ground
- V-: negative pole of the controlled system
- V+: positive pole of the controlled system
- The module of the supply voltage: from 3.3 V to 5 V
- Supported voltage: from 0 V to 24 V
- Current limit: 5 A (above 1 A heatsink is required)
- Used transistor: N-MOSFET IRF520 (documentation)
- LED indicator
- Dimensions: 34 x 26 mm
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