Resin for 3D printer FormFutura Platinum LCD Series 0,5kg - Clear

Index: FFU-18243 EAN: 8719956553134
A colorless photopolymer resin used in open source 3D printing. It is cured by light from 385 nm to 420 nm, emitted by DLP and LCD projectors. The product may emit an unpleasant odor of low intensity during operation. A characteristic feature of resins from this line is short exposure time. The finished models obtained from FormFutura Platinum LCD Series are characterized by a high level of detail and smooth surface. Package contains 0.5 kg of product.
Resin for 3D printer FormFutura Platinum LCD Series 0,5kg - Clear
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3D printer resin - FormFutura Platinum LCD Series 0.5kg - color:
Manufacturer: FormFutura

Product description: Resin for 3D printer FormFutura Platinum LCD Series 0,5 kg - Clear

Clearphotopolymerresin used in open source3D printers. It is cured by light of385 nm to 420 nmwavelength,emitted by DLP and LCD projectors. The product may emit an unpleasant odor of low intensity during operation. A characteristic feature ofresinsfrom this line is short exposure time. The finished models obtained from FormFutura Platinum LCD Series are characterized by a high level of detail and smooth surface. Package contains0.5 kg of product.

Żywica do drukarki 3D Form Futura Platinum LCD Series 0,5kg - Translucent black

FormFutura Platinum LCD Series Resin - Clear.

Modele wykonane z użyciem żywic Platinum LCD Series

Models made using Platinum LCDSeries resins.

Main features of the Platinum LCD Series resins

  • Emits a small amount of odor during printing
  • Resistance to weather conditions and UV radiation
  • Faster printing due to short exposure time
  • Produce high-resolution, highly detailed models
  • Offers vibrant, long-lasting colors without discoloration (available in translucent and opaque versions)
  • Resins have low shrinkage and water absorption (absorbency)
  • Used in model and figure printing and functional prototyping

Steps to be taken before starting printing

  • Shake the bottle for at least 2 minutes before each use.
  • Then leave the resin for about 10 minutes to let the air bubbles escape from the resin
  • After printing, unused resin can be transferred from the printer tank to the bottle

Always wear protective equipment when handling the resin:gogglesand nitrile gloves.

Final processing of the finished 3D printout

  • Ready model should be rinsed in isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or bioethanol for about 5 minutes.
  • The manufacturer recommends the use of ultrasonic cleaner.
  • Before further curing check if the model is completely dry after rinsing
  • Place the rinsed parts in a well-ventilated room for at least 30 min. (Compressed air can also be used for at least 2 minutes).
  • Cure the objects in a special chamber for 20 to 30 minutes at 65°C
  • Recommended curing wavelength is from 300 nm to 420 nm
  • When grinding resin, respiratory protection is absolutely necessary

Wydruk 3D wykonany z żywicy Platinum Series LCD

3D printout made with Platinum Series LCD resin.

Please note that the printing method may vary depending on the printer used, its movement geometry, settings and the method of curing the model.

Specification of Platinum Series LCD resin

  • Viscosity: 500 cps at 25°C
  • Density: 1.18 g/cm2

The table shows the mechanical parameters of the cured resin. Tested objects were cured for 10 minutes with high power mercury curing.

Parameter Value Test method
Glass transition temperature (Tg) 51°C ASTM D7028
Water absorption 0,4% ASTM D570-98
Impact strength (IZOD) 18 J/m ASTM D256A
Tensile Strength 45 MPa ASTM D638M
Tensile Resilience 1000 MPa ASTM D638M
Elongation at tension 8% ASTM D638M
Bending Strength 66 MPa ASTM D790M
Elasticity 1800 MPa ASTM D2240
Shore Hardness 82 ASTM D2240
Mass 500 g
Package width 7.3 cm
Package height 19 cm
Package depth 7.3 cm
Package weight 0.584 kg

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