Workplace health and safety (WHS) and Occupational health and safety (OHS) are areas that will continue to be needed and popular. Although for many entrepreneurs they cause many difficulties, each activity should be approached safely in the first place. This applies not only to business, and you know that perfectly well if you have your own home workshop. As you know, accidents may happen to everyone. The risk of an accident, especially a more dangerous one, will be greater, especially when working with power tools, because they pose a threat to the operator. The second, very important source of risk are the shavings and dust that inevitably arise during various DIY works.
Therefore, in this category of the Botland store you can get the highest quality safety glasses for work. Transparent safety glasses provide real protection against chips, sparks and small elements floating in the air during welding or carpentry works. In this category you will find safety glasses that will ensure your safety during various workshop and renovation works. Check out all the products below now!