The integrated circuit (IC), also called electronic chip, is an electronic component, which reproduce one, or several, more or less complex electronic functions. Those functions often integrate several types of basic electronic components in a reduced volume (on a small plate), making the circuit easy to implement. The integrated circuit is most often made in monolithic technology based on semiconductor monocrystal, usually silicon. The integrated circuits were invented in 1958 by Jack Kilby, which after many decades brought him the Nobel Prize. During this time, this technology has been improved many times to finally reach its modern form. Check out our offer at Botland store, where we have prepared a wide range of many components designed to build ICs used not only to create interesting projects, but also to repair old equipment and increase its automation.
Integrated circuits
Bipolar transistor PNP BC556B 65V/0,1A - 5pcs.
Set of five PNP BC556B bipolar transistors in TO-92 package. Transistors equipped with three leads: emitter, base, collector. They are designed for through-hole THT...Set of NPN and PNP TO-92 bipolar transistors - 10 values - 200pcs. - justPi
Set of NPN and PNP bipolar transistors . Contains 10 different types of transistors of 20 pieces. The set includes 200 pieces of transistors in total. The transistors have...Shift register 74HC595 - 8-bit 5pcs
The registry after the 8-bit outputs zatrzaskującymi - latch. Price for 5 PCsMCP23S08-E/P - GPIO expander SPI 8-channel
The chip allows to increase the number of pins (up to 8) of a microcontroller (including Raspberry Pi minicomputer). It communicates with the CPU via the SPI bus.Single channel comparator LM311P
LM311P comparator with supply voltage from 3,5 to 30 V. The propagation time is equal to 115 ns.Bipolar transistor NPN BC546B 65V/0,1A - 5pcs.
Bipolar transistor NPN, 65 V, 0.1 A. Pinout: CBE. Price for 5 pieces.Operational amplifier LM358P/N - 5 pcs.
A single operational amplifier in a through-hole housing. Supply voltage is 3 V to 32 V .Single Channel Optocoupler PC817 - THT - 10pcs
Optocoupler 1-CH. Transistor output. Case: DIP4. Items are sold in sets of 10 pieces.PCF8574N - GPIO expander board for microcontroller
The system allows to increase the number of IOs (up to 8) of a microcontroller (e.g. Arduino module). Communicates with the central unit via the I2C bus (TWI).Logic system CD4081BE - 4xAND - 2pcs
Logic system 4 x gate And with a working voltage from 3 V to 18 V, in the DIP 14 case. Items are sold in sets of 2 pieces.Bipolar transistor NPN Darlington MPSA29 100V/0.8A
Bipolar transistor NPN, 100 V, 800 mA. Pinout: ECB. Price for 1 piece.Bridge rectifier KBPC2510 - 1000V/25A - with connectors
Bridge rectifier, maximum working voltage 1000 V, current to 25 A . It has outputs in the form of connectors.LM741C (UA741C) - Operational Amplifier - 5pcs
Single operational amplifier in DIP case. Set of 5 pcs.Logic system CD4026 - digital counter 7-segment decoder THT - 2pcs
The counter and decoder for 7-segment displays. Powered by 3 Volts and 18 Volts in THT case - DIP16. Items are sold in sets of 2 pieces.Logic system CD4071BE - 4xOR - 2pcs
Logic system 4 x gate OR with working voltage from 3 V to 18 V, in the DIP 14 case. Items are sold in sets of 2 pieces.Converter ADC MCP3008 - 10-bit 8-channel DIP
10-bit 8-channel converter analog-to-digital MCP3008-I/P in DIP case with SPI communication interface.Bipolar transistor NPN 2N2222A ST - 5pcs.
Set of five NPN 2N2222A bipolar transistors in TO-92 package. Transistors are equipped with three leads: emitter, base, collector. They are designed for through-hole THT...Integrated circuit ULN2003AN 7xDarlington - THT - 5 pcs.
7-channel Darlington driver in DIP16 case. The set contains 5 pieces of ULN2003AN circuit.Transistor N-MOSFET 2N7000 - 10pcs.
Unipolar transistor N-MOSFET THT, 60 V, 0.2 A. Price for 10 pieces.MCP23017 - I2C 16-channel output expander
The system allows to increase the number of pins (up to 16 ) of the microcontroller (including minicomputer of Raspberry Pi). It communicates with the central unit via the I2C...See also
- Computer accessories
- Automobile accessories
- Cooling
- Diodes
- Sound and acoustics
- Mounting components
- Passive elements
- Wearables (e-textiles, smart clothes)
- Cameras and recorders
- Memory cards & disks
- Communication
- Converters
- Electronics courses
- Microcontrollers
- Animal repellers
- LED lighting
- Programmers
- Relays
- Voltage regulators
- Artificial intelligence
- Motor drivers and servos
- Displays and screens
- Tablets and smartphones
- Consoles
What is an integrated circuit? - Ubiquitous integrated circuits.
Integrated circuits are so common today that we don't pay attention to them . They help us in everyday activities and supervise the precise tasks of specialists. Even the simplest integrated circuits use a lot of fuses, converters and transistors. In our store you will find all the necessary accessories, e.g. logic circuits, chargers, transistors and converters , all at attractive prices. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the offer and if you have any questions, please write to us.
Construction of integrated circuits.
Today's integrated circuits are usually enclosed in a hermetic metal, glass or plastic housing. Integrated circuits, due to the way they are manufactured, can be divided into two groups: monolithic and hybrid . All the former elements are made in a single-crystalline semiconductor structure, while the hybrid ones are etched on an insulator board layer by layer. Most of the systems currently used are those made using monolithic technology. An interesting fact is that the oldest method of producing single crystals and one of the most frequently used is the Czochralski method - a Polish chemist developed in 1916.
Integrated circuit - Execution
The integrated circuits we offer are widely available today, and when buying them, many of us do not even realize what the production process looks like, and in such a process there can be up to 350 technological operations. The most important thing is the preparation of the substrate, the epitaxy process, masking, doping, making connections and assembly - this is a great shortcut of the process of creating an integrated circuit. According to research from 2007, the largest manufacturer of integrated circuits is Intel.
Integrated circuits - The Botland store will provide you with all the necessary integrated circuits to use in your project.
Integrated circuits - FAQ
Integrated circuits are complex electronic components in which a single silicon wafer contains a set of circuits that perform a specific set of functions. The basic building blocks of the semiconductor structure of integrated circuits are miniature transistors , of which there can be even many millions in one circuit.
Integrated circuit housings can be gently cleaned using a cloth or brush soaked in isopropyl alcohol. To a limited extent, it is also possible (using a special ESD brush or an antistatic brush) to remove impurities from between the pins of the system soldered to the PCB.
Integrated circuits are the basis of all modern electronics - thanks to the integration of various functions within a miniature silicon wafer, these elements enable the construction of computers and controllers (processors, microcontrollers ), radio and measurement systems, sound and image processing systems and many, many others.