We offer regulators in the form of integrated circuits with an output voltage of 9 V. To obtain a constant voltage at the output, we reach for voltage regulators or current regulators. If you have a sensitive electronic circuit, it is a good idea to protect it with a suitable integrated circuit, designed to normalize the voltage at the output. We offer a variety of linear regulators with specific output voltages, as well as models with regulation options.
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Output voltage 9V
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Stabilizer used to supply logic systems supplied with 9 V. The maximum output current is 1 A.See also
What is a stabiliser? It is an electronic circuit whose task is to modulate the voltage so as to maintain a constant voltage or current at its output, regardless of the input conditions. The most popular are constant voltage regulators, but there are also alternating voltage regulators. Current stabilisers are built on top of voltage stabilisers. Using negative feedback circuitry, it compares the output voltage with the voltage source reference. A control signal is then produced which affects the regulating element in such a way as to counteract changes in the output voltage. In this way, we can achieve, for example, an output voltage of 9 V.
Development of stabilizers
Initially, discrete elements such as Zener diodes, transistors or tubes were used for linear stabilisation. With the development of technology, these elements were replaced by integrated circuits, which have better performance. Nowadays, these circuits are so advanced that practically all of them have built-in protection against overload or overheating. The vast majority of stabilisers are built as three-terminal circuits. We have also moved away from expensive metal enclosures to cheaper plastic ones. The output voltage of 9 V is one of the possible configurations of the circuit.
Parameters of stabilizers
Among them we can distinguish nominal output voltage and tolerance up to 5%. Thanks to this it is possible to obtain 9 V of output voltage. Each stabilizer also has a voltage stabilization factor. It is expressed by the ratio of the change of the output voltage to the input voltage. A good quality stabiliser will have a low coefficient. You may also encounter the term energy efficiency, although stabilisers are generally low in efficiency.