Digital Distance Sensor 100cm - Pololu 4069

Index: PLL-19812 EAN: 5904422349059
The module is equipped with a distance sensor based on Lidar technology. The sensor's operating range is up to 100 cm and it is powered from 3 V to 5.5 V. It is equipped with one digital output that changes its state to low when an object is detected.
Digital Distance Sensor 100cm - Pololu 4069
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Digital lidar distance sensor - range:
Manufacturer: Pololu

Product description: Digital distance sensor 100 cm - Pololu 4069

Module equipped withdistance sensorbased onLidartechnology. The sensor's operating range isup to 100cm and it is poweredfrom 3 V to 5.5 V. It is equipped with one digital output that changes its state to low when an object is detected.The module is not able to measure distance, it only informs about the detection of an obstacle within 100 cm with an accuracy of1 mm. The short range Lidar technology is used toprecisely measurethe time it takes for the emitted pulses of eye-safe infrared light to reach the nearest object and be reflected back.

Application example

  • Alternative brake light sensor and photobeam
  • Non-contact sensor for robot collision or obstacle
  • A non-contact interface element to activate a device or process
  • Counter or timer for objects as they pass by
Czujnik odległości

Infrared light emitted by the sensor, captured with a camera without IR filter.
Cyfrowy czujnik odległości

Digital distance sensor 100 cm.

Using the distance sensor

The board is equipped with 3 leads:VIN, GND and OUT.These leads are located on the board in the form of holes with a raster of 2.54 mm, with the possibility of solderinggoldpin connectors(not included). VIN pin is used for supplying voltage from3V to 5.5V, GND is system ground pin (0V). On OUT pin low state (0 V) appears when sensor detects an object and high state (up to VIN level) appears when object is not detected. TheredLEDalso lights up when an object is detected. There is also an ENABLE pin on the board that can be set low to put it into a low power state, which consumes about 0.4 mA of current. The ENABLE pin is pulled up to VIN by default.

There is a protective film on the sensor that must be removed before working with the module.

Jumper settings on the sensor module

The module has four surface mount configuration jumpers (4321) that determine its modes of operation. Different versions of Pololu sensors have the jumpers set appropriately in the form of 0 Ω resistors. The resistors can be soldered out or bridges can be added to convert one version of the sensor to another. This sensor can be converted to any other version of irs17a according to the table below.

Ustawienie zworek w module
Pin and jumper layout of the distance sensor module.
Product Description Range max. Hysteresis Distribution Minimum update frequency Jumper settings (4321)
#4066 Digital output, 25 cm 25 cm 50 mm - 100 Hz 0000
#4067 Digital output, 50 cm 50 cm 50 mm - 100 Hz 0001
Digital output, 75 cm 75 cm 50 mm - 100 Hz 0010
#4069 Digital output, 100 cm 100 cm 50 mm - 100 Hz 0011
Digital output, any detection ~130 cm - - 100 Hz 0010
#4071 PWM output, max. 130 cm ~130 cm - 1 mm (- 0.5 µs) 100 Hz (max. 110 Hz) 0101
Digital output, 125 cm 125 cm 50 mm - 30 Hz 1000
Digital output, 150 cm 150 cm 50 mm - 30 Hz 1001
Digital output, 175 cm 175 cm 50 mm - 30 Hz 1010
#4077 Digital output, 200 cm 200 cm 50 mm - 30 Hz 1011
Digital output, any detection ~300 cm - - 30 Hz 1100
#4079 PWM output, max. 300 cm ~300 cm - 2 mm (= 0.5 µs) 30 Hz (max. 33 Hz) 1101
Czujnik Pololu vs SharpComparison of Pololu and Sharp sensors.

Comparison with Sharp sensor

Pololu sensors have the sameshape and leadsasSharp sensors. They are available with the same and larger sensing ranges, which means that they can be usedinterchangeably. The sensors on the newer Pololu devices aremuch thinnerthan the Sharp modules, so the zero point is about 7mm closer to the plate, and the beam angle on the newer devices is wider.

Pololu distance sensor specifications

  • Supply voltage: 3 V to 5.5 V
  • Current consumption: 30 mA (typical) when switched on, 0.4 mA when switched off
  • Maximum range: 100 cm
  • Minimum range: up to 1 mm
  • Minimum update rate: 100 Hz (10 ms period)
  • Field of View (FOV): typically 15°, may vary depending on object reflection and environmental conditions
  • Output Type: digital signal (low when object detected, high otherwise)
  • Dimensions: 21.6 x 8.9 x 3.5 mm
  • Weight: 0.4 g
Schemat sygnału wyjściowegoOutput signal scheme.
Voltage to 3.0 V
Voltage from 5.5 V
Interface Digital I / O
Sensor - distance to 100 cm
Sensor - distance from 0.1 cm
Package width 7.8 cm
Package height 8.6 cm
Package depth 0.2 cm
Package weight 0.001 kg

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Digital Distance Sensor 100cm - Pololu 4069


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Customers opinion
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and come from the post-purchase process.
Mariusz 01.04.2024 Confirmed purchase Translated review
Fast and precise. Works well with Raspberry.
Mariusz 06.03.2024 Confirmed purchase Translated review
Accurate and quick reactions.
Mariusz 22.01.2024 Confirmed purchase

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