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Arduino books

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Learning through play – Arduino projects for beginners

One of the publications perfect for beginners in electronics and programming is Simon Monk's book "Arduino. 36 projects for electronics enthusiasts. On over 370 pages, the author takes you by the hand, clearly describing each step necessary to complete a given project. There is a lot to choose from, because in addition to simple LED displays, the following chapters of the book also describe alarm systems, musical and sound gadgets, and projects that use an Internet connection for their operation. You will also find descriptions of the construction of useful home circuits, simple electronic games, and even a Geiger-Müller counter for detecting radiation from radioactive elements.

Step-by-step learning - how to learn Arduino "from the inside"?

For people who are not satisfied with reproducing simple projects and prefer to learn the basics and understand in detail the principles of operation of individual peripheral blocks or how to operate external elements, we have an excellent book "Arduino in action" by M. Evans, J. Noble and J. Hochenbaum. In this publication of over 350 pages, the authors describe in detail the installation of the programming environment, the basic versions of Arduino boards and all important hardware aspects of microcontrollers. The manual is aimed at thoroughly learning the basics, and the authors introduce each new element with another, simple project that also uses previously learned issues. The knowledge acquired in earlier chapters is used later in the book, which gives the opportunity to consolidate it. The publication also includes a short programming course that allows you to quickly learn the basics of coding and the use of C++ libraries.

Arduino for more advanced users

For people who already know the basics of programming and electronics, but would like to explore more advanced possibilities of using boards in many useful applications, we offer a book by Mike Westerfield titled "Electronic projects for iPhone and iPad. Unconventional gadgets with Arduino and techBASIC technology. The publication contains descriptions of many intriguing projects that can be done using Arduino and an Apple mobile device - iPhone or iPad. To create programs, the author uses the techBASIC environment, which is another example of the use of one of the simplest programming languages in the world - BASIC. The ingenious projects presented in the book will surprise even advanced programmers.

Books about Arduino - FAQ

Arduino is a small microcontroller designed for a variety of projects, including: home automation, RC vehicles, smart toys, lighting and various types of electronic devices. One of the best books for beginner Arduino enthusiasts is Arduino for Beginners. Fundamentals and Outlines 2nd Edition by Simon Monk. The book is translated into Polish. You can find a number of practical tips and tricks for beginners, as well as a lot of practical knowledge presented in an accessible way.

Advanced users who would like to expand their theoretical knowledge and then use it in practice can read another book by Simon Monk. The user is gradually introduced to the more complex and at the same time advanced areas of Arduino. From the book, users will learn, among other things, how to increase the performance of a microcontroller, reduce current and how to work effectively with various interfaces.