LED technology
LED indoor lamps are based on the use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs). They are one of the most popular semiconductor electronic components. The electric current flowing through the diode lowers the energy level of electrons in the semiconductor from which the element is built. The result is the release of energy, which is transformed into a quantum of electromagnetic radiation - a photon. Diodes made of different materials radiate most strongly at different frequencies of visible light, therefore, to create lamps of different colors, substances differing in chemical composition are used. Color change can also be caused by supplying the diode with current of different parameters or applying a lens of appropriate color. On the market there are LED lamps generating light in almost all shades, thanks to which this technology is widely used not only in utility lighting, but also in decorative lighting - for example neon lights or Christmas tree lights. Light-emitting diodes are also used in cases where it is necessary to provide a strong stream of light with reduced emission of thermal radiation, for example in spotlights used in stage lighting. It is worth remembering that even the smallest LED lamps almost always contain more than one diode inside - in industrial models they can be even several thousand. The same is true of RGB and RGBW LEDs: although they are placed in a single housing, inside there are actually several diodes with different chemical composition, which makes it possible to obtain multiple colors of lighting.
Advantages of indoor LED lamps
Lamps that use light-emitting diodes have many advantages that make them a great alternative to other lighting technologies. Because LEDs have a high luminous brightness with low power consumption, LED lamps can operate very efficiently while consuming a small amount of electricity. Their luminous efficiency can reach up to 300 lumens per one watt of energy used, which makes them even several hundred times more efficient than traditional tungsten bulbs. In addition, they do not cause eye fatigue and do not produce harmful ultraviolet radiation, so they are completely safe for human eyes and skin. Almost all of the electrical energy reaching the LED is converted into light (instead of heat), which means that LED bulbs and lamps do not cause unnecessary heating of rooms (as opposed to traditional incandescent lamps). LED lighting can take on basically any color - warm, neutral and cold shades of white as well as other colors. This feature makes light-emitting diodes perfect for decorative applications such as Christmas tree lights, light ornaments, neon signs and stage lighting. A huge advantage of LED technology is also safety - when damaged, no toxic substances are released outside (such as harmful mercury vapors in the case of fluorescent lamps) and the housings themselves are usually made of durable and unbreakable materials, such as plastics.
What products can you find in this category?
In our assortment you will find a wide selection of indoor LED lamps with different parameters, so you can easily choose the product perfectly suited to your needs. We offer, among others, intelligent LED lamps with built-in WiFi module, which will be perfect as part of the lighting installation in an intelligent building. Intelligent LED indoor lamps allow you to freely adjust the light intensity and color. With the ability of wireless control from the mobile device application level, connecting them to the smart home system is very simple and does not require additional wiring, and flush mounting makes them look very aesthetic and take up very little space. In this category, you'll also find small LED lights that are perfect for illuminating different parts of your home. Our range includes devices that plug straight into the socket and can be used as bedside lamps, as well as standing lamps that you can place on a desk or a cabinet. We also offer a wide range of surface-mount LED panels in various shapes, including round, square and round slim models. We also offer LED tubes, which can be mounted in fluorescent fixtures, and many other products at attractive prices. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the full offer in this category and with other products available in our store.