Lesson 7: LCD display & temperature and humidity sensor


Using Grove - LCD 16*2 to display temperature and humidity data from Grove - Temperature and humidity sensor

Equipment requirements


  • MicroUSB cable
  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
  • Computer
  • Grove Base Hat
  • Grove wire
  • Grove - LCD display 16*2
  • Grove - Temperature and humidity sensor

Connecting equipment

Step 1 Connect Grove - 16*2 LCD display to I2C,Grove - Temperature and humidity sensor to port D5.

Step 2 Connect Base Hat to Raspberry Pi.

Step 3 Connect the Raspberry Pi to a power source using a micro USB cable.


Step 1: Enter the following commands to create a python file.

cd grove.py
nano lesson_7.py

Step 2: Copy the code below.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import time

from grove.grove_temperature_humidity_sensor import DHT
from grove.display.jhd1802 import JHD1802

def main():
    # Grove - 16x2 LCD(White on Blue) connected to I2C port
    lcd = JHD1802()

    # Grove - Temperature&Humidity Sensor connected to port D5
    sensor = DHT('11', 5)

    while True:
        humi, temp = sensor.read()
        print('temperature {}C, humidity {}%'.format(temp, humi))

        lcd.setCursor(0, 0)
        lcd.write('temperature: {0:2}C'.format(temp))

        lcd.setCursor(1, 0)
        lcd.write('humidity: {0:5}%'.format(humi))


if __name__ === '__main__':

Step 3:Uruchomprogram

sudo chmod +x lesson_7.py
sudo ./lesson_7.py

If everything goes well, the LCD screen should show the current temperature and humidity values.

pi@raspberrypi:~/grove.py $ sudo ./lesson_7.py
temperature 23C, humidity 16%
temperature 22C, humidity 17%
temperature 22C, humidity 17%
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "./lesson_7.py", line 28, in 
  File "./lesson_7.py", line 25, in main
pi@raspberrypi:~/grove.py $

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