Another idea of single-board computers, which rocked the world of robotics, programmers and electricians. Khadas VIM is doing great on this competitive market, persuading even fans of Raspberry Pi, which seems to be unbeatable. Khadas VIM has many advantages and strengths that distinguish it from other microcomputers. First of all, we should mention the very efficient Amlogic S922X processor in SoC technology, which is responsible for reliable operation of the device. The eMMC memory has a capacity of 16 GB, so you can build a really powerful control computer with Khadas VIM. There is also DDR4 RAM memory available and if you want to expand its capabilities and use its full potential, it is necessary to check which accessories and peripherals you can add to it. Our offer includes useful accessories, both protective and giving the board an original look of the case, cooling fans, which support proper operation of the device and extend its life, as well as heat sinks and various modules. On board of Khadas VIM you can find, for example, Tone Board VIMs Edition, which is a sound card that guarantees an amazing experience and allows you to hear even the smallest sounds. It is a real luxury for good sound lovers.