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PLA Pro filaments

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PLA Pro filament stronger than ABS?

In the world of 3D printing, it is generally accepted that elements requiring greater mechanical strength are most often printed from ABS. No wonder, since this material dominates the toy industry, the production of housings for consumer electronic devices, as well as industrial and universal housings, and there is no indication that any other type of material will outclass it. However, 3D printing using ABS has certain limitations, including purely manufacturing difficulties (e.g. the need to print at high head temperatures and heat the print bed). When ABS needs to be replaced with another material, PLA Pro filaments come to the rescue.

PLA Pro filaments โ€“ for professionals

PLA Pro filaments offer the same advantages that are characteristic of classic PLA and reduce some significant disadvantages of popular, cheap PLA materials. Various colors of Spectrum PLA Pro filaments available in our store make it easier to choose the right color of material for the planned application. The material itself is characterized by ease of printing at low head temperatures (typical range for PLA, i.e. from 185 to 215ยฐC), biodegradability and high stiffness and mechanical strength . Importantly, despite the increased resistance to warping of prints and their high durability and stability, 3D printing using PLA Pro filaments is still safe for users and offers excellent quality of the obtained surfaces .

Full range of colors

It is no accident that the Spectrum company logo includes the image of a multi-colored chameleon. The manufacturer's offer is rich in various colors of materials - both subdued, mild shades of white, and contrasting, bright and refreshing oranges, greens and yellows. Our offer includes snow-white PLA Pro Arctic White filaments and slightly creamy PLA Pro Coral, noble shades of brown (Pearl Bronze and Rust Copper) and yellow (Pearl Gold), and universal shades of gray (Dark Gray and Silver Star). Various colors are available immediately from the range of green (Forest Green, Lime Green), orange (Lion Orange), blood red (Bloody Red) and shades of blue (Pacific Blue, Navy Blue) and yellow (Bahama Yellow). The palette is finished with deep, expressive black (Deep Black).

Filaments are thermoplastic materials that change their state from solid to liquid when exposed to high temperature. They are used as consumables in 3D printers. PLA Pro filament is an improved version of the popular PLA thermoplastic material. It does not emit hazardous fumes during printing. Moreover, it is almost odorless and biodegradable. A number of advantages make the PLA Pro filament more and more popular. Another advantage of the described filament is the ease of printing, so it can be successfully used by both experienced and beginner 3D printing enthusiasts.

3D printers that enable the use of PLA Pro filament are used, among others, for printing various types of security features. These include: covers, as well as various bumpers, housings and other safeguards that protect delicate components. Three-dimensional prints made of PLA Pro filament are characterized by high impact resistance and, above all, a very limited effect of material shrinkage. Additionally, the described filament is used for prototyping and printing decorative elements and specialized tools.