Transistors have revolutionized the world. Today it is difficult to imagine advanced electronic devices without transistors. But what exactly are transistors and how do they work?
A transistor is a semiconductor device that is used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electricity. It is the basic building block of many modern electronic devices. You could say that transistors are all around us today - in the vast majority of electronic systems. Historically, the first device of this type practically put into operation was a blade transistor. The device was developed in 1947 by the American physicists John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley. The transistor revolutionized electronics and paved the way for smaller and cheaper two-way radios, calculators and computers. The invention of transistors allowed the construction of many other new devices.
Nowadays, transistors are an essential element of any electronic project. For this reason, you will find tons of different types of transistors in the Botland Store. Choose from bipolar transistors and unipolar transistors. Choose also accessories, cables and cords, and other electronics.